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Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, gr. 2132


Additional Information

  • Appr. Date: 16th c. (16th c.)
  • Genres: Astronomy, astrology or mathematics
  • Illustrations: No


BnF Ancien fonds: Codex parisinus græcus 2132 (Fontainebleau-Regius 3481; BnF cod. 21.378; olim 1683; olim mdxlix).  Parchment, sixteenth century, 23+71 folios (not pages, pace Omont; there are also two blank folios between the two sections).  Gautier's De Dæmon. ms. J; Boissonade's D.

The scribe is Ἰωάννης Ὁνώριος (Ὑδρουντινός, a.k.a. John of Otranto, &c.), "Ioannes Honorius Malliae oppidi Hydruntini civis, librorum graecorum instaurator", copyist also of Paris. gr. 2379. See Vogel & Gardthausen in the Bibliography and Online Resources; also "More Manuscripts with this Scribe" in Online Resources for those mss. dealt with at Πίνακες. See our link to "Omont: Fac-similés" for a page from his Paris. gr. 1841, and in print the Repertorium der griechischen Kopisten 1.119, 2.156, 3.197. This scribe is not to be confused with an earlier Giovanni da Otranto (or, Giovannni Grasso/Grusso: see Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, vol. 56 (2001) sub lem.).

Inner board:  Περὶ ἐνεργείας δαιμόνων   /   Θεοδοσίου περὶ οἰκήσεων

First (unnumbered) page:  † Ἐν τῷ παρόντι βιβλίῳ ἐστὶ ταῦτα:
† Μιχαήλου τοῦ Ψελλοῦ διάλογος, περὶ τῆς ἐνεργείας τῶν δαιμόνων : +
+ Θεοδοσίου περὶ οἰκήσεων, βιβλίον ἓν :
· τοῦ αὐτοῦ περὶ νυκτκῶν καὶ ἡμερῶν, βιβλίον, ἓν : +

Part 1, fols. 1r-23r (end):  "Tardus, o Thrax, ad Byzantium occuris?"  Psellus or Pseudo-Psellus's "Timothy, or On Dæmons" («ὁ περὶ δαιμόνων λόγος», incipit «Χρόνιος, ὦ Θρᾷξ, ἐπὶ τὸ Βυζάντιον ἀπαντᾷς;») = Iter Psellianum no. 711 (THE.168; pp. 222-225)).  Cf. Paris. Coislin 228 & 280; Paris. grr. 39, 1310, 1997 and 2109.

Part 2, fols. 1r-15v  Theodosii Tripolitæ mathematici et astronomi De habitationibus (TLG 1719.002) cum graphematibus.

Part 2, fols. 16r-71r   Ejusdem De diebus et noctis (TLG 1719.003), et hoc cum graph.

Part 2, fol. 41v et sqq.  Caput alterum (incipit «Ὅταν ὁ ἥλιος διαπορεύεται τὸ μετὰ τὸν καρκῖνον τεταρτημόριον, νῦξ καὶ ἡμέρα τὸ συναμφότερον νυκτὶ καὶ ἡμέρᾳ...»).


  • Inventaire sommaire des manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothèque nationale (Open in Zotero)
  • Iter Psellianum: A Detailed Listing of Manuscript Sources for All Works Attributed to Michael Psellos, Including a Comprehensive Bibliography (Open in Zotero)
  • Die griechischen Schreiber des Mittelalters und der Renaissance (Open in Zotero)
  • Repertorium der griechischen Kopisten, 800–1600 (Open in Zotero)
  • Fac-similés des manuscrits grecs des XVe et XVIe siècles (Open in Zotero)
  • Le De daemonibus du Pseudo-Psellos (Open in Zotero)
  • L’anthroponymie grecque du Salento méridional (Open in Zotero)