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Royall Tyler to Robert Woods Bliss, October 27, 1934

Finance Ministry


27th October 1934.

Dear Robert,

I have had a letter from Sydney Burney,Sydney Burney (ca. 1876–1951), an art dealer and collector in London. He was responsible for organizing an exhibition of African art in 1933 that promoted African art as equal to the art of other cultures. 37 Great Cumberland Place, of London, whom I think you know, offering the Trivulzio diptychBZ.1935.4.a–b. at “a considerably lower figure” than that mentioned by Stora. I don’t know whether this will tempt you, but I thought that in any case I would pass on the information. You will notice that Burney’s address is no longer St. James’ Place, where it used to be.

Burney doesn’t mention any definite figure. You might write to him if you are interested, or I will if you prefer.

Love to you both


R. T.

Associated Things: M. & R. Stora, Paris