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Translations of Byzantine Saints’ Lives Listed Alphabetically

Last updated 9 June 2022.

This survey is presented in two versions,

in alphabetical order by saint's name (shown)

ordered by century in which saint lived

Notes: This survey includes translations into modern European languages of Greek vitae; both published works and works in progress are listed.

** indicates translation prepared for Dumbarton Oaks series

# indicates additions by Paul Halsall. For full texts and excerpts of selected Greek saints' lives, see Paul Halsall's website.

This survey was prepared by Alice-Mary Talbot, Director of Byzantine Studies emerita at Dumbarton Oaks, with the assistance of Johan Heldt. Stephanos Efthymiadis, Professor in Byzantine Studies, Program in Hellenic Studies, Open University of Cyprus, took over management of the resource in 2018. Please send any corrections or updates to him at

BBTT = Belfast Byzantine Text and Translations

DOML = Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library.

1003 Martyrs of Nikomedeia, martyrdom (BHG 1219)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “La passion des mille trois martyrs de Nicomédie (BHG 1219),” in Hagiologie byzantine (Brussels, 1986), 87–100.

Aberkios, vita (BHG 2)

  • French: P. Maraval, Vies d’Abercius, Vie de Polycarpe: Deux biographies légendaires de deux évêques du IIe siècle (Paris, 2017).

Abibos, Translation of his Head (BHG 740m)

  • French: F. Halkin, “Translation du chef de s. Abibos, un des trois confesseurs d’Édesse BHG 740m,” Analecta Bollandiana 104 (1986): 287–97.

Abramios, bishop of Kratea, vita by Cyril of Scythopolis (BHG 12)

  • English: R. M. Price, Lives of the Monks of Palestine (Kalamazoo, MI, 1991), 273–81.
  • Italian: R. Baldelli and L. Mortari, Storie monastiche del deserto di Gerusalemme (Abbazia di Praglia, 1990), 395–407.
  • French: A.-J. Festugière, Les moines d’Orient, vol. 3, pt. 3, Les moines de Palestine (Paris, 1962), 73–79.

Adrianos, Natalia, and their companions, martyrdom (BHG 29)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Une passion grecque inédite des saints Adrien et Natalie BHG 29,” in Hagiologie byzantine (Brussels, 1986), 47–55.

Agatha, enkomion by Patriarch Methodios (BHG 38)

  • Edition and Italian translation: C. Crimi, “Metodio patriarca di Costantinopoli, Encomio di S. Agata (BHG 38): Introduzione, edizione critica, traduzione e note,” Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici 57 (2020): 64–128.

Agatha, martyrdom (BHG 37b)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin and A.-J. Festugière, “Passion de sainte Agathe (BHG 37b),” in Dix textes inédits tirés du ménologe impérial de Koutloumous, ed. F. Halkin (Geneva, 1984), 20–31.

Agathonikos, martyrdom (BHG 39z)

  • French: F. Halkin, “Saint Agathonique,” in Saints de Byzance et du Proche-Orient (Geneva, 1986), 49–64.

Akakios, anonymous martyrion (BHG 13)

  • Italian: L. Viscido, in Virarium Scyllacense 13 (2002): 29–70.

Alexander the Akoimetos (BHG 47)

  • English: E. Theokritoff, “The Life of Our Holy Father Alexander,” Aram 3, nos. 1–2 (1991): 293–318.
  • English: D. Caner, Wandering, Begging Monks: Spiritual Authority and the Promotion of Monasticism in Late Antiquity (Berkeley, CA, 2002), 249–280.
  • French: J.-M. Baguenard, Les Moines acémètes: Vies des saints Alexandre, Marcel et Jean Calybite (Bégrolles-en-Mauges, 1988), 79–120.

**Alexion, “Man of God” (BHG 51)

  • English: S. Papaioannou, for DOML (in preparation).

# Alexios, “Man of God” (BHG 52m)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin and A.-J. Festugière, “Vie de s. Alexis (BHG 52m),” in Dix textes inédits tirés du ménologe impérial de Koutloumous, ed. F. Halkin (Geneva, 1984), 80–93.

Alphios, Philadelphos, and Kyrinos and their companions, martyrdom (BHG 62e)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Les trois frères martyrs de Lentini,” in Six inédits d’hagiologie byzantine (Brussels, 1987), 63–87.

Anastasia the Widow (BHG 81)

  • English: Holy Transfiguration Monastery, The Life and Martyrdom of Saint Anastasia and Those Who Were Martyred with Her (Seattle, 1987).

Anastasia, Vision of (BHG 1868–1870)

  • (BHG 1868) English: J. Baun, “The Apocalypse of Anastasia (Palermo Version),” in Tales from Another Byzantium (Cambridge, 2007), 415–24.
  • (BHG 1869, 1870, 1870b) English: J. Baun, “The Apocalypse of Anastasia (Paris and Milan Versions),” in Tales from Another Byzantium (Cambridge, 2007), 401–14.

Anastasios the Persian (BHG 84–90)

  • Edition and French translation: B. Flusin, Saint Anastase le Perse et l'histoire de la Palestine au début du VIIe siècle, 2 vols. (Paris, 1992).

Andrew Stratelates, passio (BHG 118)

  • English: D. Woods, “The Passion of St. Andrew the General (BHG 118)” (1999) (accessed June 11, 2014).

Andrew, the Apostle, vita by Epiphanios, monk of Constantinople (BHG 102)

  • Edition and French translation: M. Wiener (in preparation).

Andrew the Fool, vita (variously dated 7th–10th c.) (BHG 115z)

  • English: L. Rydén, The Life of St. Andrew the Fool, 2 vols. (Uppsala, 1995).
  • # English (partial): J. Wortley, “The Vita Sancti Andreae as a Source of Byzantine Social History,” Societas 3 (1974): 1–20.
  • Italian: P. Cesaretti, I Santi Folli di Bisanzio (Milan, 1990), 99–257; reprint P. Cesaretti, Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (Rome, 2014), 157–351.
  • Modern Greek: Holy Monastery of Parakletos (Oropos, Greece 1997).
  • Russian: E. V. Želtovij, Žitie Andreja Yurodivogo (Saint Petersburg, 2000).

Andronikos and Athanasia, vita (BHG 123a)

  • English (annotated): A. Alwis, Celibate Marriages in Late Antique and Byzantine Hagiography: The Lives of Saints Julian and Basilissa, Andronikos and Athanasia, and Galaktion and Episteme (London and New York, 2011), 256–77.

Anna/Euphemianos, synaxarion notice (BHG 2027)

  • English: V. Marinis, “The Life of St. Anna/Euphemianos: Introduction, Translation, and Commentary," Journal of Modern Hellenism 27–28 (2009–10): 53–69.

Antony the Great, vita by Athanasios of Alexandria (BHG 140)


  • R. T. Meyer, The Life of Saint Antony (Westminster, MD, 1950).
  • R. C. Gregg, The Life of Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus (New York, 1980) 29–99.
  • # The Life of St. Anthony the Great; St. Jerome, The Life of St. Hilarion and Life of St. Paul the First Hermit, no translator given (Willits, CA, 1976, repr. of 1850 ed.)
  • C. White, Early Christian Lives (London, 1998), 1–70.
  • T. Vivian and A. N. Athanassakis, The Life of Antony, The Coptic Life and the Greek Life (Kalamazoo, MI, 2003).
  • D. Brakke, in Medieval Hagiography: An Anthology, ed. T. Head (New York, 2000), 1–30 [based on Bartelink ed. of Greek text].


  • # G. J. M. Bartelink, Vie d'Antoine (Paris, 1994).
  • B. Lavaud, Antoine le Grand père des moines: sa vie par Saint Athanase (Paris, 1989).


  • G. J. M. Bartelink, ed., Vita di Antonio, trans. P. Citati and S. Lilla, 4th ed. (Milan, 1987).
  • B. Borghini, Incarnazione del Verbo: Vita di Antonio (Alba, 1972).
  • L. Chremaschi, Vita di Antonio, (Milan, 1995), 105–219.
  • Bruzzese, in Sant’Antonio abate. La sua vita, ed. G. J. M. Bartelink (Bologna, 2013).


  • A. Gottfried, ed., Vita Antonii, trans. H. Przybyla (Graz, 1987).


  • A. Ballano, Vida de San Antonio, padre de los monjes (Zamora, 1975).


  • T. Hägg and S. Rubenson, Antonios liv (Skellefteå, 1991).

Antony the Younger, vita (BHG 142)

  • Edition and English translation: D. Turner, D. Farrell, and G. Tanner (in preparation).
  • Edition and Greek translation: I. Polemis, Anthologio byzantines pezografias (Athens, 2018), 378–471.

Apophthegmata Patrum (CPG 5562)

  • Edition and French translation: J. C. Guy and B. Flusin, Les Apophtegmes des Pères: Collection systématique, vol. 1, Chapitres I–IX (Paris, 1993).
  • English: B. Ward, The Sayings of the Desert Fathers (Oxford and Kalamazoo, MI, 1975).

Arsenios of Kerkyra, synaxarion notice (BHG 2044)

  • Edition and English translation: A. Kaldellis and I. Polemis, Saints of Ninth- and Tenth-Century Greece, DOML 54 (Cambridge, MA, 2019), 296–305.

Artemios, passio (BHG 170–171c)

  • English: M. Vermes, in From Constantine to Julian: Pagan and Byzantine Views; A Source History, ed. S. Lieu, and D. Montserrat (London and New York, 1996), 210–62.

Arethas and his companions, passiones (BHG 166–167a)

  • Edition and French translation: M. Detoraki and J. Beaucamp, Le martyre de saint Aréthas et de ses compagnons (BHG 166) (Paris, 2007).
  • (BHG 166z) Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Le martyre d’Aréthas et de ses compagnons himyarites,” in Six inédits d’hagiologie byzantine (Brussels, 1987), 133–78.

Artemios, miracula (7th c.) (BHG 173)

  • English: V. Crisafulli, J. Nesbitt, and J. Haldon, The Miracles of St. Artemios: A Collection of Miracle Stories by an Anonymous Author of Seventh Century Byzantium, trans. V. Crisafulli (Leiden, 1996).
  • French: V. Déroche (in preparation).

Artemon, vita (BHG 2047)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin and A.-J. Festugière, “Vie de s. Artémon (BHG 2047),” in Dix textes inédits tirés du ménologe impérial de Koutloumous, ed. F. Halkin (Geneva, 1984), 112–17.

**Athanasia of Aegina (BHG 180)

  • English: L. Sherry, “Life of St. Athanasia of Aegina,” in Holy Women of Byzantium, ed. A.-M. Talbot (Washington, DC, 1996), 137–58.

Athanasios I, patriarch of Constantinople, miracula by Theoktistos the Stoudite (BHG 194f)

  • English: A.-M. Talbot, Faith Healing in Late Byzantium: The Posthumous Miracles of the Patriarch Athanasios I of Constantinople by Theoktistos the Stoudite (Brookline, MA, 1983).

Athanasios I, patriarch of Constantinople, enkomion by Theoktistos the Stoudite (BHG 194a–b)

  • Edition and Italian translation: R. Fusco, “L’Encomio di Teoctisto Studite per Atanasio I di Costantinopoli (BHG 194a–b),” Rivista di Studi Byzantini e Neoellenici 34 (1997): 83–153.

Athanasios I, patriarch of Constantinople, vita by Theoktistos the Stoudite (BHG 194)

  • Edition and English translation: A. Alexakis and A.-M. Talbot (in preparation).

Athanasios of Athos, vita A by Athanasios of Panaghiou (BHG 187)

  • Italian: L. d’Ayala Valva, La Vita di Atanasio l’Athonita di Atanasio di Panaghiou (Rome, 2017).

**Athanasios of Athos, vita B (BHG 188)

  • French: P. Dumont, “Vie de saint Athanase l'Athonite,” Irénikon 8 (1931): 457–99, 667–89; 9 (1932): 71–95, 240–64.
  • French (abridged and rev. ed. of Dumont trans.): O. Rousseau, La vie de saint Athanase l'Athonite (Chevetogne, 1963).
  • English: A.-M. Talbot, in Holy Men of Mount Athos, ed. R. P. H. Greenfield and A.-M. Talbot, DOML 40 (Cambridge, MA, 2016), 128–367.

Athanasios of Meteora, anonymous vita (BHG 195)

  • Edition and Modern Greek translation: D. Z. Sophianos, Ὁ Ἀθανάσιος ὁ Μετεωρίτης (Meteora, 1990).
  • Italian: A. Rigo (in preparation).

**Athanasios of Methone, Funeral Oration by Peter of Argos (BHG 196)

  • English: W. Caraher (in preparation).
  • Edition and English translation: A. Kaldellis and I. Polemis, Saints of Ninth- and Tenth-Century Greece, DOML 54 (Cambridge, MA, 2019), 70–115.

Athenodorus (BHG 2048)

  • Edition and French translation: X. Lequeux, “La Passion premétaphrastique de Saint Athénodore de Syrie (BHG 2048),” Analecta Bollandiana 135 (2017): 243–45.

Athenogenes of Pedachthoe, passio by Anysios (BHG 197b)

  • French: P. Maraval, Passion inédite de S. Athénogène de Pedachthoé (Brussels, 1990).

Auxentios, anonymous vita (BHG 199)

  • Edition and Italian translation: P. Varalda, Vita sancti Auxentii (BHG 199), editio princeps (Alessandria, 2017).

Auxentios, anonymous vita (BHG 203b)

  • French: F. Halkin and A.-J. Festugière, “Vie de s. Auxence (BHG 203b),” in Dix textes inédits tirés du ménologe impérial de Koutloumous, ed. F. Halkin (Geneva, 1984), 44–46.

Auxentios, vita by Psellos (BHG 203)

  • Edition and Italian translation: P. Varalda, Michele Psello. Vita di s. Aussenzio di Bitinia (Alessandria, 2014).
  • French: M. Psellos, Démonologie populaire-démonologie critique au XIe siècle, trans. P. Joannou (Wiesbaden, 1971).
  • English: E. A. Fisher (in preparation).

Babylas, martyr, homily by John Chrysostom (BHG 207)

  • English: W. Mayer, “A Homily on the Martyr Babylas,” in ‘Let Us Die That We May Live’: Greek Homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria (c. AD 350–AD 450), ed. J. Leemans, W. Mayer, P. Allen, and B. Dehandschutter (London and New York, 2003), 140–48.

Bakchos the Younger (BHG 209)

  • Edition and French translation: A. Binggeli and S. Efthymiadis, Les nouveaux martyrs à Byzance: I. Vie et Passion de Bacchos le Jeune par Étienne le Diacre, Byzantina Sorbonensia 31 (Paris, 2021).

**Barbara, passio by Symeon Metaphrastes (BHG 216)

  • English: S. Papaioannou, Christian Novels from the Menologion of Symeon Metaphrastes, DOML 45 (Cambridge, MA, 2017), 153–81.

Barlaam, martyr, homily by John Chrysostom (BHG 222)

  • English: John Chrysostom, The Cult of Saints, trans. W. Mayer (New York, 2006), 177–90.

Barlaam and Joasaph (BHG 224, CPG 8120)

  • English: St. John Damascene, Barlaam and Joasaph, ed. and trans. G. R. Woodward and H. Mattingly, 2nd ed. (Cambridge, MA, and London, 1967).
  • French: I. Edeline (in preparation).
  • # Italian: S. Ronchey and P. Cesaretti, Vita bizantina de Barlaam e Ioasaf (Milano: Rusconi, 1980); repr. in Storia di Barlaam e Ioasaf. La vita bizantina del Buddha (Torino, 2012).
  • # Spanish: P. Bádenas de la Peña, Barlaam y Josafat: redacción bizantina anónima (Madrid, c1993).

# Barnabas (BHG 226e)

  • French: P. van Deun, “Une Mémoire anonyme sur saint Barnabe (BHG 226e): Edition et traduction,” Analecta Bollandiana 108.2 (1990): 323–35.

Bartholomew of Simeri (BHG 235)

  • English: M. Angold (completed, but no plans for publication).
  • Edition and Italian translation: G. Zaccagni, “Il Bios di san Bartolomeo da Simeri (BHG 235),” Rivista di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici 33 (1996): 193–274.

Basiliskos, martyrdom (BHG 241)

  • French translation and edition: F. Halkin, “Saint Basilisque,” in Saints de Byzance et du Proche-Orient (Geneva, 1986), 65–74.

Basil of Caesarea, homily by Gregory of Nyssa (BHG 244)

  • French: P. Maraval, Éloge de Grégoire le Thaumaturge, Éloge de Basile (Paris 2014).

Basil of Caesarea, vita and miracula by ps.-Amphilochios (BHG 246yff)

  • English: J. Wortley (in preparation).

**Basil the Younger (BHG 263–264)

  • Edition and English translation: D. Sullivan, A.-M. Talbot, and S. McGrath, The Life of Saint Basil the Younger: Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of the Moscow Version (Washington, DC, 2014).
  • Modern Greek: D. Apostolides, Βίος Βασιλείου του Νέου (Thessaloniki, 2019)

Bernike, Prosdoke, and Domnina, martyrs, homily by John Chrysostom (BHG 274)

  • English: John Chrysostom, The Cult of Saints, trans. W. Mayer (New York, 2006), 155–76.

**Boniphatios of Tarsos (BHG 279–280)

  • English: S. Papaioannou, for DOML (in preparation).

Catherine of Alexandria, passio (BHG 30–32b)

  • French: E. Mayet (in preparation).
  • Modern Greek: Κ. Katsanis, in Το μαρτυρολόγιο του Σινά, ed. D. Tsamis, 2nd ed. (Thessaloniki, 2003), 84–219.

Cecilia, martyrdom (BHG 283c)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Une passion grecque de sainte Cécile BHG 283c,” in Six inédits d’hagiologie byzantine (Brussels, 1987), 88–132.

Charalampes, martyrdom (BHG 298f)

  • French translation and edition: F. Halkin and A.-J. Festugière, “Passion de s. Charalampe (BHG 298t),” in Six inédits d’hagiologie byzantine, ed. F. Halkin (Brussels, 1987), 32–43.

Chariton (BHG 3002)

  • English: L. di Segni, “The Life of Chariton,” in Ascetic Behavior in Greco-Roman Antiquity, ed. V. Wimbush (Minneapolis, 1990), 393–421.
  • Italian: L. di Segni, Cercare dio nel deserto: Vita di Caritone (Comunita di Bose, 1990).

Christopher, martyrdom (BHG 309)

  • English: S. Papaioannou, for DOML (in preparation).

Christopher, martyrdom (BHG 311b)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Saint Christophe dans le ménologe impérial,” in Hagiologie byzantine (Brussels, 1986), 31–46.

Constantine, anonymous vita (BHG 364)

  • English: F. Beetham, in From Constantine to Julian: Pagan and Byzantine Views; A Source History, ed. S. Lieu, and D. Montserrat (London and New York, 1996), 97–146.

Constantine, vita by Eusebius (BHG 361x)

  • English: Av. Cameron and S. G. Hall, Life of Constantine (Oxford, 1999).
  • Italian: L. Tartaglia, Sulla Vita di Costantino (Naples, 1984)
  • Italian: L. Franco, Eusebio di Cesarea. Vita di Costantino (Μilan, 2009).
  • Spanish: M. Gurruchaga, Vida de Costantino (Madrid, 1994).
  • German: P. Dräger, Über das Leben des glückseligen Kaisers Konstantin (De vita Constantini), 2nd rev. ed. (Oberhard, 2007).
  • Modern Greek: G. Α. Raptis, Βίος Μεγάλου Κωνσταντίνου (Thessaloniki, 2011).

Constantine the Jew, vita (BHG 370)

  • Russian: D. E. Afinogenov, Žitie prepodobnogo otca nasego Konstantina, cto iz Iudeev. Žitie sv. ispovednika Nikity (Moscow, 2001).

Constantine Stilbes, Didascalia de mandylio et ceramo (BHG 796m)

  • Edition and French translation: B. Flusin, in REB 55 (1997): 66–79.

Cyprianus, carmina by Eudocia augusta (BHG 458-9)

Cyril of Alexandria, laudatio by Zonaras (BHG 2099)

  • Edition and English translation: W. Stevenson (in preparation).

Cyril of Alexandria, vita (BHG 2096)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Vie de Cyrille d’Alexandrie BHG 2096,” in Le ménologe impérial de Baltimore (Brussels, 1986), 278–90.

Cyril Phileotes (BHG 468)

  • Edition and French translation: E. Sargologos, La Vie de saint Cyrille le Philéote, moine byzantin (†1110) (Brussels, 1983).
  • English: M. Mullett (in preparation).

Cyrus and John, enkomion and miracula (BHG 477–79)

  • French: D. Peltier (unpublished PhD diss., University of Paris, 1978).
  • (enkomion by Sophronios [BHG 475–476]) French: P. Bringel, Panégyrique des Saints Cyr et Jean (Turnhout, 2008).
  • (miracula) French (partial): A.-J. Festugière, Sainte Thècle, saints Côme et Damien, saints Cyr et Jean (extraits), saint Georges (Paris, 1971), 238–56.
  • (miracula) French: J. Gascou, Miracles des saints Cyr et Jean: (BHG 477–479) / Sophrone de Jérusalem (Paris, 2006).
  • New edition by Marina Detoraki, Corpus Christianorum, Series Graeca (in press).
  • (miracula) French: V. Déroche, “Un recueil inédit de miracles de Cyr et Jean dans le Koutloumousiou 37,” Rivista di studi bizantini e neoellenici 49 (2012 [2013]): 199–220.

Daniel of Sketis (BHG 2101a–c, 2102a, 2102c–f, 2128)

  • Edition and English translation: B. Dahlman, Saint Daniel of Sketis: A Group of Hagiographic Texts edited with Introduction, Translation and Commentary (Uppsala, 2007).

Daniel the Stylite (BHG 489)

  • English: E. A. Dawes and N. Baynes, Three Byzantine Saints, 2nd ed. (Crestwood, NY, 1977), 1–84.
  • English: M. R. Vivian (in preparation) [Cal. State Univ. at Bakersfield].
  • French: A.-J. Festugière, Les moines d'Orient, vol. 2, Les moines de la région de Constantinople (Paris, 1961), 87–171.
  • German: H. Lietzmann, “Der heilige Daniel auf der Säule,” in Byzantinische Legenden (Jena, 1911), 1–52.
  • Spanish: J. Simon Palmer, La vida sobre una columna: Vida de Simeón Estilita, Vida de Daniel Estilita (Madrid, 2014), 67–143.
  • Italian: L. Franco, Fra terra e cielo: Vita di Daniele Stilita (Milan, 2020).

**David, Symeon, and George (BHG 494)

  • English: D. Domingo-Foraste and D. Abrahamse, Byzantine Defenders of Images (Washington, DC, 1998), 143–241.
  • English: M. Herlong (completed).
  • Russian: J. B. Mantova, Žitija vizantijskih sviatyh epohi ikonoborčestva, vol. 1 (Saint Petersburg, 2015), 429–507.

Demetrianos of Chytroi (BHG 495)

  • Edition and Greek translation: I. Polemis, Anthologio byzantines pezografias (Athens, 2018), 482–529.

Demetrios, anonymous Passio (BHG 496)

  • Modern Greek: A. Sideri, in, Ἀγίου Δημητρίου Θαύματα. Οἱ συλλογὲς ἀρχιεπισκόπου Ἰωάννου & Ἀνωνύμου, ed. Ch. Bakirtzis (Athens, 1997), 28–35.

Demetrios, Passio altera (BHG 497)

  • Modern Greek: A. Sideri, in Ἀγίου Δημητρίου Θαύματα. Οἱ συλλογὲς ἀρχιεπισκόπου Ἰωάννου & Ἀνωνύμου, ed. Ch. Bakirtzis (Athens, 1997), 34–47.

Demetrios, miracles by John Archbishop of Thessaloniki (BHG 499–523)

  • Edition and French translation: P. Lemerle, Les plus anciens recueils des Miracles de Saint Démétrius, vol. II (Paris, 1981), 50–165.
  • Modern Greek: P. Κ. Chrestou, Διηγήσεις περὶ τῶν θαυμάτων τοῦ ἁγίου Δημητρίου (Thessalonike, 1993), 168–369; A. Sideri, in Ἀγίου Δημητρίου Θαύματα. Οἱ συλλογὲς ἀρχιεπισκόπου Ἰωάννου & Ἀνωνύμου, ed. Ch. Bakirtzis (Athens, 1997), 50–231.

Demetrios, miracles by an anonymous author (BHG 516z–522)

  • Edition and French translation: P. Lemerle, Les plus anciens recueils des Miracles de Saint Démétrius, vol. II (Paris, 1981), 168–241.
  • Modern Greek: P.Κ. Chrestou, Διηγήσεις περὶ τῶν θαυμάτων τοῦ ἁγίου Δημητρίου (Thessalonike, 1993), 370–485; A. Sideri, in Ἀγίου Δημητρίου Θαύματα. Οἱ συλλογὲς ἀρχιεπισκόπου Ἰωάννου & Ἀνωνύμου, ed. Ch. Bakirtzis (Athens, 1997), 232–333.

Demetrios, miracles by John Staurakios (BHG 532)

  • English: P. Magdalino and I. Biliarsky (in preparation)

Demetrios, Laudatio by Symeon the Philosopher (BHG 547e)

  • Modern Greek: P. Vlachakos, Ἅγιος Δημήτριος. Ἐγκωμιαστικοὶ Λόγοι ἐπιφανῶν βυζαντινῶν λογίων (Athens, 2004), 70–101.

Demetrios, Laudatio by Neophytos the Recluse (BHG 547)

  • Modern Greek: P. Vlachakos, Ἅγιος Δημήτριος. Ἐγκωμιαστικοὶ Λόγοι ἐπιφανῶν βυζαντινῶν λογίων (Athens, 2004), 122–45.

Demetrios, Laudatio by Nikephoros Gregoras (BHG 547f)

  • Modern Greek: P. Vlachakos, Ἅγιος Δημήτριος. Ἐγκωμιαστικοὶ Λόγοι ἐπιφανῶν βυζαντινῶν λογίων (Athens, 2004), 70–101.

Demetrios, Laudatio by Gregory Palamas (BHG 546)

  • Modern Greek: P. Vlachakos, Ἅγιος Δημήτριος. Ἐγκωμιαστικοὶ Λόγοι ἐπιφανῶν βυζαντινῶν λογίων (Athens, 2004), 202–59.

Demetrios, Laudatio by Constantine Armenopoulos (BHG 547a)

  • Modern Greek: P. Vlachakos, Ἅγιος Δημήτριος. Ἐγκωμιαστικοὶ Λόγοι ἐπιφανῶν βυζαντινῶν λογίων (Athens, 2004), 380–435.

De scorto converso/De sorore Danielis, in John Oxita’s florilegium (BHG 1438hb)

  • Edition and English translation: E. Skaka and J. Wortley, “The Tale of Daniel’s Sister: Text, Translation and Commentary De sorore Danielis, BHG 1438hb,” in Metaphrastes, or Gained in Translation: Essays and Translations in Honour of Robert H. Jordan, ed. M. Mullett, BBTT 9 (Belfast, 2004), 194–209.

Domnica (BHG 562–562f)

  • Edition and French translation: M. Alexiou (in preparation).
  • Modern Greek: Μητερικόν, vol. 2, ed. D. G. Tsamis (Thessaloniki, 1991), 200–227.

Domninos, martyrdom (BHG 2109)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Saint Domninus de Thessalonique,” in Saints de Byzance et du Proche-Orient (Geneva, 1986), 36–42.

Dositheos (BHG 2117)

  • French: L. Regnault and J. de Préville, Oeuvres spirituelles (Paris, 1963), 122–45, repr. in L. Regnault, Maîtres spirituels au désert de Gaza (Solesmes, 1967), 247–57.
  • Italian: L. Cremaschi, Scritti e insegnamenti spirituali (Rome, 1980), 50–60.

Drosis, martyr, homily by John Chrysostom (BHG 566)

  • English: John Chrysostom, The Cult of Saints, trans. W. Mayer, with B. Neil (New York, 2006), 191–205.

Dysmas the Good Thief, narratio (BHG 2119y)

  • Edition and French translation: R. Gounelle, “Une légende apocryphe relatant la rencontre du Bon larron et de la Sainte famille en Egypte (BHG 2119y),” Analecta Bollandiana 121 (2003): 241–72.

Egyptian martyrs, homily by John Chrysostom (BHG 1192)

  • English: John Chrysostom, The Cult of Saints, trans. W. Mayer (New York, 2006), 206–16.

Elias of Helioupolis (BHG 578 and 579)

  • English: S. McGrath, “Elias of Helioupolis: The Life of an Eight-Century Syrian Saint,” in Byzantine Authors: Literary Activities and Preoccupations, ed. J. W. Nesbitt (Leiden, 2003) 85–107.

Elias Spelaiotes, vita (BHG 581)

  • English: D. Hester (in preparation).
  • New critical edition: E. Morini (in preparation).

Elias the Younger (BHG 580)

  • Edition and Italian translation: G. Rossi Taibbi, Vita di sant’Elia il Giovane (Palermo, 1962).
  • English: D. Hester (completed).
  • Modern Greek: monk Kosmas, Βίος και πολιτεία τοῦ ὁσίου πατρὸς ἡμῶν Ἠλία τοῦ Νέου (τοῦ Σικελιώτη) (Athens, 1993).

**Elisabeth the Thaumaturge, vita (BHG 2121)

  • English: V. Karras, “Life of St. Elisabeth the Wonderworker,” in Holy Women of Byzantium Ten Saints’ Lives in English Translation, ed. A.-M. Talbot (Washington, DC, 1996), 117–35.

Epiphanios of Cyprus, miracle (BHG 601i)

  • German translation and edition: C. Rapp, “Der heilige Epiphanius im Kampf mit dem Dämon des Origenes: Kritische Erstausgabe des Wunders BHG 601i,” in Symbolae Berolinenses für Dieter Harlfinger, ed. F. Berger et al. (Amsterdam, 1993), 249–69.

Epiphanios of Cyprus, vita (BHG 596)

  • English: C. Rapp, for Translated Texts for Historians (Liverpool) (in preparation).

**Eugenia, vita and passio by Symeon Metaphrastes (BHG 608)

  • English: S. Papaioannou, Christian Novels from the Menologion of Symeon Metaphrastes, DOML 45 (Cambridge, MA, 2017), 183–261.

Eugenios and Makarios, martyrdom (BHG 2127)

  • Edition and French translation (abbreviated): F. Halkin, “Passion des saints Eugène et Macaire BHG 2127,” in Saints de Byzance et du Proche-Orient (Geneva, 1986), 84–92.

Eugenios of Trebizond (BHG 609–613)

  • English: J. O. Rosenqvist, The Hagiographic Dossier of St. Eugenios of Trebizond in Codex Athous Dionysiou 154: A Critical Edition with Introduction, Translation, Commentary, and Indexes (Uppsala, 1996).

**Euphemia and the Goth, miracle by Symeon Metaphrastes (BHG 739)

  • English: S. Papaioannou, Christian Novels from the Menologion of Symeon Metaphrastes, DOML 45 (Cambridge, MA, 2017), 117–51.

Euphemia, martyr, ekphrasis by Asterios of Amaseia (BHG 623)

  • English: B. Dehandschutter, “Ecphrasis on the Holy Martyr Euphemia,” in ‘Let Us Die That We May Live’: Greek Homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria (c. AD 350–AD 450), ed. J. Leemans, W. Mayer, P. Allen, and B. Dehandschutter (London and New York, 2003), 173–76.

Euphrosyna, vita (BHG 625)

  • Italian: L. Franco, Cinque sante bizantine. Storie di cortigiane, transvestite, eremite, imperatrici (Milan, 2017), 61–73.

Euphrosyne the Younger, enkomion by Constantine Akropolites (olim BHG 626m, nun 627b)

  • English: A.-M. Talbot (in preparation).

Euphrosyne the Younger, vita by Nikephoros Kallistos Xanthopoulos (BHG 627)

  • Edition and English translation: J. O. Rosenqvist and A.-M. Talbot (in preparation).

Eupraxia, vita (BHG ??)

  • Edition and English translation: P. Dilley (in preparation).

Eusebia, vita (BHG 633)

  • English: J. Featherstone, “Life of Our Holy Mother Eusebia, Renamed Xenia,” in La Caria bizantina: Topografia, archeologia ed arte (Mylasa, Stratonikeia, Bargylia, Myndus, Halicarnassus), ed. V. Ruggieri (Soveria Mannelli, 2005), 206–11.

Eustathios, bishop of Antioch, homily by John Chrysostom (BHG 644)

  • English: John Chrysostom, The Cult of Saints, trans. W. Mayer (New York, 2006), 49–62.

Eustratios of Agauros (BHG 645)

  • English: A. Alexakis and A. Carriker (in preparation).

Euthymios, patriarch of Constantinople (BHG 651)

  • Edition and English translation: P. Karlin-Hayter, Vita Euthymii Patriarchae CP (Brussels, 1970).
  • Italian: N. Cariello, Anonimo di Bisanzio. Cronaca di Psamatia, Vita di Eutimio il Sincello (Rome, 2015).
  • Modern Greek: A. Alexakis, Γάμοι, Κηδείες και Αυτοκρατορικές Μεταμέλειες: Ο Βίος του Πατριάρχη Ευθυμίου (Athens, 2006).
  • New critical edition: A. Alexakis (in preparation).

Euthymios of Sardis, vita by Methodios (BHG 2145)

  • Edition and French translation: J. Gouillard, “La vie d’Euthyme de Sardes,” Travaux et mémoires 10 (1987): 1–101.
  • Russian: D. E. Afinogenov, Žitija vizantijskih sviatyh epohi ikonoborčestva, vol. 1 (Saint Petersburg, 2015), 322–372.

Euthymios of Sardis, panegyric by Metrophanes (BHG 2146)

  • English: A. Papadakis, “The Unpublished Life of Euthymios of Sardis: Bodleianus Laudianus Graecus 69,” Traditio 26 (1970): 63–89.

Euthymios the Great, vita by Cyril of Scythopolis (BHG 647)

  • French: A.-J. Festugière, Les moines d’Orient, vol. 2, pt. 1, Les moines de Palestine: Vie de saint Euthyme (Paris, 1962), 55–144.
  • English: R. M. Price, The Lives of the Monks of Palestine (Kalamazoo, MI, 1991), 1–92.
  • Italian: R. Baldelli, L. Mortari, Storie monastiche del deserto di Gerusalemme (Abbazia di Praglia, 1990), 97–191.

**Euthymios the Younger, vita by Basil of Thessalonike (BHG 655)

  • Edition (by A. Alexakis) and English translation: A.-M. Talbot, in Holy Men of Mount Athos, ed. R. P. H. Greenfield and A.-M. Talbot, DOML 40 (Cambridge, MA, 2016), 2–125.

Eutropios, Kleonikos, and Basiliskos, martyrdom (BHG 656b)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Deux passions inédites des saints Eutrope, Cléonique et Basilisque,” Analecta Bollandiana 104 (1986): 17–54, esp. 18–40.

Eutychios, patriarch of Constantinople, vita by Eustratios (BHG 657)

  • English: A. Wilson and Av. Cameron, for BBTT (in preparation).

Fifteen Martyrs of Tiberiopolis (BHG 1199)

  • Edition and Modern Greek translation: E. S. Kiapidou, Mαρτύριο των Δεκαπέντε μαρτύρων της Τιβεριούπολης (Athens, 2015)
  • Modern Greek: P. Vlachakos, Θεοφύλακτος Αχρίδος, Οι δεκαπέντε μάρτυρες της Τιβεριούπολης (Thessaloniki, 2008).

Forty Martyrs of Sebasteia

  • English: M. Mullett and A. Wilson, The Forty Martyrs of Sebasteia, 2 vols., BBTT 2, pt. 2 (in press).

Forty-two Martyrs of Amorium, martyrdom (BHG 1212)

  • French: M.-F. Auzépy (in preparation).

Forty-two Martyrs of Amorium, martyrdom (BHG 1214c)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Passion inédite des quarante-deux martyrs d’Amorium,” in Hagiologie byzantine (Brussels, 1986), 152–69.

Forty-two Martyrs of Amorium, passio by Evodios (BHG 1214)

  • Modern Greek: S. Efthymiadis, Ευωδίου Μοναχού, Οι 42 Mάρτυρες του Αμορίου (Athens, 1989).

**Galaktion and Episteme, vita (BHG 665–666)

  • English (annotated): A. Alwis, Celibate Marriages in Late Antique and Byzantine Hagiography: The Lives of Saints Julian and Basilissa, Andronikos and Athanasia, and Galaktion and Episteme (London and New York, 2011), 286–308.
  • English: S. Papaioannou, Christian Novels from the Menologion of Symeon Metaphrastes, DOML 45 (Cambridge, MA, 2017), 85–115.
  • Modern Greek: Κ. Katsanis, in D. Tsamis, Το μαρτυρολόγιο του Σινά, 2nd ed. (Thessaloniki, 2003), 228–69.

**George, martyrdom (BHG 670a)

  • English: S. Papaioannou, for DOML (in preparation).

George, miracula (BHG 687ff)

  • French: A.-J. Festugière, Sainte Thècle, saints Côme et Damien, saints Cyr et Jean (extraits), saint Georges (Paris, 1971), 273–334.
  • Miracula (BHG 690) English: D. Sahas, “What an Infidel Saw That a Faithful Did Not: Gregory Dekapolites (d. 842) and Islam,” Greek Orthodox Theological Review 31 (1986): 47–67 [only miracle 6 Aufhauser = De vision Saraceni a Gregorio Decapolita].
  • (BHG 687) English: S. Papaioannou, for DOML (in preparation).

George of Amastris (BHG 668)

George of Choziba, vita by Antony (BHG 669)

  • English: A. N. Athanassakis and T. Vivian, The Life of Saint George of Choziba and the Miracles of the Most Holy Mother of God at Choziba (San Francisco, 1994); repr. in Journeying to God: Seven Early Monastic Lives, ed. T. Vivian (Minneapolis, MN, 1996) 53–105 [chs. 1–42, 57–60].
  • French: M. Nichanian (unpublished).
  • Italian: L. di Segni, Nel deserto accanto ai fratelli. Vite di Gerasimo e di Giorgio di Choziba (Bose, 1991), 83–125.
  • Edition and Greek translation: I. Polemis, Anthologio byzantines pezografias (Athens, 2018), 250-363.

Gerasimos (BHG 693)

  • Italian: L. di Segni, Nel deserto accanto ai fratelli, vite di Gerasimo e di Giorgio di Choziba (Bose, 1991) 65–79.

Gordianos, martyrdom (BHG 2165)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “La passion de saint Gordien BHG 2165,” in Saints de Byzance et du Proche-Orient (Geneva, 1986), 97–103.

Gordius, martyr, homily by Basil of Caesarea (BHG 703)

  • English: P. Allen, “A Homily on the Martyr Gordius,” in ‘Let Us Die That We May Live’: Greek Homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria (c. AD 350–AD 450), ed. J. Leemans, W. Mayer, P. Allen, and B. Dehandschutter (London and New York, 2003), 56–67.

Gorgonia, oratio by Gregory of Nazianzos (BHG 704)

  • English: L. P. McCauley et al., Funeral Orations by Saint Gregory Nazianzen and Saint Ambrose (Washington, DC, 1953), 101–18.
  • Modern Greek: Μητερικόν, vol. 2, ed. D. G. Tsamis (Thessaloniki, 1991), 168–

Gregentios, archbishop of Taphar (BHG 705–706i)

  • Edition and English translation: A. Berger, Life and Works of Saint Gregentios, Archbishop of Taphar (Berlin, 2006).

Gregory, bishop of Assos, vita (BHG Nov. Auct. 710a)

  • Edition and Modern Greek translation: D. Ζ. Sophianos, “Ὁ ἅγιος Γρηγόριος ἐπίσκοπος Ἄσσου (β΄ μισό τοῦ ιβ΄ αἰώνα) καὶ τὰ ἁγιολογικά του κείμενα” Mesaiōnika kai Nea Ellenika 7 (2004): 307–18.

Gregory of Agrigento, vita by Leontios (BHG 707)

  • Edition and German translation: A. Berger, Das Leben des Heiligen Gregorios von Agrigent (Berlin, 1995).
  • English translation: J. R. C. Martyn, A Translation of Abbot Leontios’ Life of Saint Gregory, Bishop of Agrigento (Lewiston, NY, 2004), 119–244.

Gregory of Dekapolis, vita by Ignatios the Deacon (BHG 711)

  • German: G. Makris, Ignatios Diakonos und die Vita des Hl. Gregorios Dekapolites (Stuttgart, 1997).

Gregory of Nazianzos, encomium by Niketas Paphlagon (late 9th–early 10th c.) (BHG 725)

  • Edition and English translation: J. J. Rizzo, The Encomium of Gregory Nazianzen by Nicetas the Paphlagonian (Brussels, 1976).

Gregory of Nazianzos, Oration on the Translation of the Relics of Gregory of Nazianzos (BHG 728)

  • Edition and French translation: B. Flusin, “Le panégyrique de Constantin VII Porphyrogénète pour la translation des reliques de Grégoire le Théologien (BHG 728),” Revue des études byzantines 57 (1999): 5–97, at 40–81.

Gregory of Nazianzos, vita by Gregory the Presbyter (BHG 723)

  • Edition and French translation: X. Lequeux, Gregorii Presbyteri Vita sancti Gregorii Theologi (Turnhout, 2001).

**Gregory Palamas, logos by Philotheos Kokkinos (BHG 718)

  • Italian: E. Perrella, Atto e luce divina: scritti filosofici e teologici (Milan, 2003), 1353–1513.
  • English (partial): A.-M. Talbot, in Miracle Tales from Byzantium, ed. A.-M. Talbot and S. F. Johnson, DOML 12 (Cambridge, MA, 2012), 301–405, 433–37 (miracles only).
  • English: N. Russell, The Hesychast Controversy and the Debate with Islam, TTB 8 (Liverpool, 2020).

Gregory Thaumatourgos, vita by Gregory of Nyssa (BHG 715)

  • French: P. Maraval, Éloge de Grégoire le Thaumaturge, Éloge de Basile (Paris, 2014).
  • English: M. Slusser, St. Gregory Thaumaturgus: Life and Works (Washington, DC, 1998), 41–87.
  • Italian: L. Leone, Vita di Gregorio Taumaturgo (Rome, 1988).

Gregory the Sinaite, vita by Kallistos (BHG 722)

  • Italian: A. Rigo (in preparation).

Hermylos and Stratonikos, martyrdom (BHG 745b)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Passion d’Hermyle et Stratonice BHG 745b,” in Le ménologe impérial de Baltimore (Brussels, 1986), 157–70.

Historia monachorum in Aegypto

  • English: N. Russell, The Lives of the Desert Fathers (Kalamazoo, MI, 1981).
  • Edition and French translation: A.-J. Festugière, Historia monachorum in Aegypto, repr. (Brussels, 1981).

# Histories of the Monks of Upper Egypt and Life of Paphnutius (from Coptic)

  • English: T. Vivian, Histories of the Monks of Upper Egypt and Life of Paphnutius (Kalamazoo, MI, 1993).

Horaiozele, enkomion by Constantine Akropolites (BHG 2180)

  • English: A. Alwis, Narrating Martyrdom: Rewriting Late-Antique Virgin Martyrs in Byzantium (Liverpool, 2020)

Hypatios of Rouphinianai, vita by Kallinikos (BHG 760)

  • English: Dimitrios Krallis, for Translated Texts for Byzantinists (Liverpool) (in preparation)
  • French translation and edition: G. J. M. Bartelink, Vie d’Hypatios (Paris, 1971).
  • French: A.-J. Festugière, Les moines d’Orient, vol. 2, Les moines de la région de Constantinople (Paris, 1961), 11–86.
  • Italian: C. Capizzi, Vita di Ipazio (Rome, 1982).

Ia of Persia, passio by Makarios the Monk (BHG 762)

  • English: A. Alwis, Narrating Martyrdom: Rewriting Late-Antique Virgin Martyrs in Byzantium (Liverpool, 2020).

Ignatios, martyr, homily by John Chrysostom (BHG 816)

  • English: John Chrysostom, The Cult of Saints, trans. W. Mayer (New York, 2006), 101–18.

**Ignatios, patriarch of Constantinople, vita by Niketas Paphlagon (BHG 817)

  • Nicetas David, The Life of Patriarch Ignatius, ed. and trans. A. Smithies, notes by J. M. Duffy (Washington, DC, 2013).

Inventio crucis by Alexander the Monk (BHG 410, 410b–c, 411)

  • Edition and English translation: R. Scott, “Alexander the Monk, Discovery of the True Cross,” in Metaphrastes, or Gained in Translation: Essays and Translations in Honour of Robert H. Jordan, ed. M. Mullett (Belfast, 2004), 157–84.
  • Edition and English translation (partial): J. W. Nesbitt, “Alexander the Monk’s Text of Helena’s Discovery of the Cross (BHG 410),” in Byzantine Authors: Literary Activities and Preoccupations (Leiden, 2003), 23–39.

**Ioannikios, vita by Peter (BHG 936)

  • English: D. Sullivan, in Byzantine Defenders of Images, ed. A.-M. Talbot (Washington, DC, 1998), 243–351.
  • Russian: D. E. Afinogenov, Žitija vizantijskih sviatyh epohi ikonoborčestva, vol. 1 (Saint Petersburg, 2015), 513–95.

Ioannikios, vita by Sabas (BHG 935)

  • Russian: D. E. Afinogenov, Žitija vizantijskih sviatyh epohi ikonoborčestva, vol. 1 (Saint Petersburg, 2015), 595–656.

# Irene, empress (BHG 2205)

  • W. Treadgold, “The Unpublished Saint’s Life of the Empress Irene (BHG 2205),” Byzantinische Forschungen 8 (1982): 237–51 (includes translation of the section which does not derive from Theophanes’s Chronographia).

Irene of Chrysobalanton (BHG 952)

  • Edition and English translation: J. O. Rosenqvist, The Life of St. Irene Abbess of Chrysobalanton (Uppsala, 1986).
  • Modern Greek: Μητερικόν, vol. 2, ed. D. G. Tsamis (Thessaloniki, 1991), 236–331.

Isaakios and Dalmatos, encomium by Michael the Monk (BHG 956d)

  • Edition and English translation: Peter Hatlie, “The Encomium of Ss. Isakos [sic] and Dalmatos by Michael the Monk (BHG3 956d): Text, Translation and Notes,” in EUKOSMIA. Studi miscellanei per il 75° d. Vincenzo Poggi S.J., ed. V. Ruggieri and L. Pieralli (Soveria Mannelli [Catanzaro], 2003), 275–311.

Jacob, encomium (BHG 768a)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Un éloge byzantin de saint Jacques, frère de Jean l’apôtre,” in Hagiologie byzantine (Brussels, 1986), 7–19.

# Jason and Sosipater (BHG 776)

  • Edition and French translation: B. Kindt, as appendix to “La version longue du récit légendaire de l’évangelisation de Corfou par les saints Jason and Sosipatre,” Analecta Bollandiana 116 (1998) 259–95.
  • (BHG 776b) Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Les saints Jason et Sosipatros. Leur légende dans le ménologe impérial,” in Hagiologie byzantine (Brussels, 1986), 20–30.

Jesus Christ, oratio about the image of Edessa by Gregory (BHG 796g)

  • German: G. Zaninotto, “Homilie Gregors, des Referendars, zur Übertragung des Edessabildes nach Konstantinopel im Jahre 944,” in Das Turiner Grabtuch und das Christusbild, vol. 2, Das echte Christusbild, ed. W. Bulst and H. Pfeiffer (Frankfurt am Main, 1991), 125–52.
  • Edition and French translation: A. M. Dubarle, “L’homélie de Grégoire le référendaire pour la réception de l’image d’Édesse,” Revue des études byzantines 55 (1997): 15–29.
  • English: Guscin, The Image of Edessa (Leiden, 2009), 70–87.

John Chrysostom, Dialogue of Palladios (BHG 870)

  • English: H. Moore, The Dialogue of Palladius Concerning the Life of Chrysostom (New York, 1921).
  • Edition and French translation: A.-M. Malingrey, Dialogue sur la vie de Jean Chrysostome/Palladios: Introduction, texte critique, traduction et notes, with P. Leclercq (Paris, 1988).

John Chrysostom, oratio funebris attributed to Martyrios of Antioch (BHG 871)

  • Edition and Italian translation: M. Wallraff and C. Ricci, Martyrius <Antiochenus>: Oratio funebris in laudem sancti Iohannis Chrysostomi (Spoleto, 2007).

John Chrysostom, vita anonyma (BHG 876)

  • English: J. Wortley (in preparation).

John Eleemon, vita by Leontios of Neapolis (BHG 886)

  • French: Leontios of Neapolis, Vie de Syméon le Fou et Vie de Jean de Chypre, ed. A.-J. Festugière and L. Rydén (Paris, 1974) with translation, 257–637.
  • English (partial): E. Dawes and N. Baynes, Three Byzantine Saints, 2nd ed. (Crestwood, NY, 1977) 199–262.
  • Spanish: P. Cavallero, P. Ubierna, A. Capboscq, J. Lastra Sheridan, A. Sapere, T. Fernán­dez, S. Bohdziewicz, and D. Santos, Leoncio de Neápolis. Vida de Juan el limosnero (Buenos Aires, 2011).

John Kalybites (BHG ?)

  • French: J.-M. Baguenard, Les Moines acémètes. Vies des saints Alexandre, Marcel et Jean Calybite (Bégrolles-en-Mauges, Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1988), 203–15.
  • (BHG 869b) Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Vie de saint Jean Calybite le pauvre volontaire BHG 869b,” in Le ménologe impérial de Baltimore (Brussels, 1986), 172–96.

John Klimakos, vita (BHG 882e)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin and A.-J. Festugière, “Vie de s. Jean Climaque (BHG 882e),” in Dix textes inédits tirés du ménologe impérial de Koutloumous, ed. F. Halkin (Geneva, 1984), 118–27.

John Moschos, Pratum Spirituale (BHG 1442)

  • French: M. J. Rouët de Journel, Le Pré spirituel (Paris, 1946; 2nd ed., 1960).
  • Italian: R. Maisano, Il Prato (Naples, 1982).
  • Italian: L. di Segni (in preparation).
  • English: P. Pattenden (in preparation).
  • English: J. Wortley, The Spiritual Meadow of John Moschos (Kalamazoo, MI, 1992; repr. Collegeville, MN, 2008).
  • English (partial): N. H. Baynes, “The ‘Pratum spirituale,’” Orientalia christiana periodica 13 (1947) 404–14.
  • Spanish: J. S. Palmer, Historias bizantinas de locura y santidad. Juan Mosco. El Prado. Leoncio de Neapolis. Vida de Simeon el Loco (Madrid, 1999), 43–231, notes at 297–303.
  • German (partial): H. Lietzmann, “Blumen von der geistlichen Wiese,” in Byzantinischen Legenden (Jena, 1911) 8299 (selection of 21 stories).
  • Swedish (partial): O. Andrén, Johannes Moschos, Den andliga ängen (Skellefteå, 2002) (selection of 72 stories and proem).

John of Gotthia (BHG 891)

  • Edition and French translation: M.-F. Auzépy, “La Vie de Jean de Gothie (BHG 891)”, in La Crimée entre Byzance et le khaganat Khazar, ed. C. Zuckerman (Paris, 2006), 77–85.

John of Psicha (BHG 896)

  • Russian: T. A. Senina (nun Kassia), Mir Pravoslavija 10 (Volgograd, 2019), 154–69.

John the Baptist, homily by Aetios of Constantinople (BHG 861p)

  • Edition and English translation: P. Allen, “A Homily on John the Baptist Attributed to Aetius, Presbyter of Constantinople,” Analecta Bollandiana 104 (1986): 383–402.

John the Baptist, hypomnema (BHG 838e)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Notice de saint Jean Baptiste BHG 838e,” in Le ménologe impérial de Baltimore (Brussels, 1986), 76–82.

John the Baptist, Invention of his Head by Theodore the Stoudite (BHG 842a)

  • Edition and French translation : F. Halkin and A. J. Festugière, “Invention du chef de s. Jean-Baptiste (BHG 842a),” in Dix texts inédits tirés du ménologe impérial de Koutloumous, ed. F. Halkin (Geneva, 1984), 70–79.

# John the Evangelist, encomium by Blemmydes (BHG 931)

  • English: Joseph Munitiz, “Blemmydes’ Encomium on St. John the Evangelist (BHG 931),” Analecta Bollandiana 107, nos. 3–4 (1989), 285–346.

John the Faster (BHG 893)

  • Edition and English translation of an abridged vita deriving from the partially preserved vita by Photeinos (BHG 893): S. A. Ivanov, “The Life of John the Faster as a Historical Source,” in Byzantine Hagiography. Texts, Themes & Projects, ed. A. Rigo et al. (Turnhout, 2018), 222–29.

John the Hesychast (BHG 897)

  • English: R. M. Price, Lives of the Monks of Palestine (Kalamazoo, 1991), 220–44.
  • French: A. J. Festugière, Les moines d'Orient, vol. 3, pt. 3, Les moines de Palestine (Paris, 1962), 13–34.
  • Italian: R. Baldelli, L. Mortari, Cirillo di Scitopoli, Storie monastiche del deserto di Gerusalemme (Abbazia di Praglia, 1990), 325–53.

Julian, martyr, homily by John Chrysostom (BHG 967)

  • English: W. Mayer, in ‘Let Us Die That We May Live’: Greek Homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria (c. AD 350–AD 450), ed. J. Leemans, W. Mayer, P. Allen, and B. Dehandschutter (London and New York, 2003), 126–40.

Julian and Basilissa, vita (BHG 970)

  • English (annotated): A. Alwis, Celibate Marriages in Late Antique and Byzantine Hagiography: The Lives of Saints Julian and Basilissa, Andronikos and Athanasia, and Galaktion and Episteme (London and New York, 2011), 168–248.

Juventinos and Maximinos, martyrs, homily by John Chrysostom (BHG 975)

  • English: John Chrysostom, The Cult of Saints, trans. W. Mayer (New York, 2006), 89–100.

Kosmas and Damianos, miracula (BHG 385ff)

  • French: A. J. Festugière, Sainte Thècle, saints Côme et Damien, saints Cyr et Jean (extraits), saint Georges (Paris, 1971) 83–213.
  • Spanish: J. M. Nieto Ibáñez, San Cosma y san Damian: Vida y milagros (Madrid, 2014).

Kosmas and Damian, miracula, metaphrasis by Maximos the Deacon (BHG 391)

  • Edition and Italian translation: E. Paroli (in preparation).

**Kyprianos and Ioustina (BHG 456)

  • English: S. Papaioannou, Christian Novels from the Menologion of Symeon Metaphrastes, DOML 45 (Cambridge, MA, 2017), 1–59.

Kyriakos (BHG 463)

  • English: R. M. Price, Lives of the Monks of Palestine (Kalamazoo, 1991), 245–61.
  • Italian: R. Baldelli and L. Mortari, Cirillo di Scitopoli, Storie monastiche del deserto di Gerusalemme (Abbazia di Praglia, 1990), 355–76.
  • French: A.-J. Festugière, Les moines d’Orient, vol. 3, pt. 3, Les moines de Palestine (Paris, 1962), 39–52.

Lausiac History of Palladius

  • English: W. K. Lowther Clarke, The Lausiac History (London, 1918).
  • English: R. T. Meyer, Palladius: The Lausiac History (London, 1965).
  • English (ch. 34): D. Krueger, in Religions of Late Antiquity in Practice, ed. R. Valantasis (Princeton, NJ, 2000), 179–80.
  • Italian: Palladio, La Storia Lausiaca, ed. G. J. M. Bartelink, trans. M. Barchiesi (Milan, 1974).
  • Swedish: S. Linner, Palladios, Ökenfäderna (Skellefteå, Artos, 1998).

# Lazaros, homily by Basil of Seleucia (BHG 2225)

  • Edition and English translation: M. B. Cunningham, “Basil of Seleucia's Homily on Lazarus: A New Edition (BHG 2225),” Analecta Bollandiana 104, nos. 1–2 (1986): 161–84.

**Lazaros Galesiotes (BHG 979)

  • English translation of vita and commentary: R. P. H. Greenfield, An Eleventh Century Pillar Saint: The Life of Lazaros of Mt. Galesion (Washington, DC, 2000).

Leo of Catania (BHG 981)

  • English: A. Alexakis, ed., The Greek Life of St. Leo Bishop of Catania (BHG 981b), trans. S. Wessel (Brussels, 2011).
  • English: M. Herlong (completed).
  • English: D. Afinogenov (completed).

Leontios, patriarch of Jerusalem, vita by Theodosios the Monk (BHG 985)

  • English: D. Tsougarakis, The Life of Leontios, Patriarch of Jerusalem (Leiden, 1993).

Lucia the Widow and Gemenianos, martyrdom (BHG 2241)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “La veuve sainte Lucie,” in Saints de Byzance et du Proche-Orient (Geneva, 1986), 17–35.
  • Edition and Italian translation: M. Re, “La Passio dei SS. Lucia e Geminiano (BHG 2241). Introduzione, edizione del testo, traduzione e note,” Nea Rhome 5 (2008): 116–41.

Lucian, martyr, homily by John Chrysostom (BHG 998)

  • English: John Chrysostom, The Cult of Saints, trans. W. Mayer (New York, 2006), 63–74.

Luke the Stylite, vita (BHG 2239)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Vanderstuyf, “Vie de saint Luc le stylite (879–979),” Patrologia orientalis 11 (Paris, 1915): 145–299.

Luke the Younger (of Stiris) (BHG 994)

  • Edition and Modern Greek translation: Z. Sophianos, Ὅσιος Λουκᾶς. Βίος τοῦ ὁσίου Λουκᾶ τοῦ Στειριώτου (Athens, 1989).
  • English: R. Connor and C. Connor, The Life and Miracles of St. Luke of Steiris (Brookline, MA, 1994).

Maccabees, martyrs, three homilies by John Chrysostom (BHG 1008–1009, 1010a)

  • English: John Chrysostom, The Cult of Saints, trans. W. Mayer (New York, 2006), 119–54.

Makarios of Pelekete, vita by Sabas (BHG 1003)

  • Russian: T. A. Senina (nun Kassia), Žitija vizantijskih sviatyh epohi ikonoborčestva, vol. 1 (Saint Petersburg, 2015), 392–424.

Makarios the Roman (BHG 1004–1005)

  • English: S. Papaioannou, for DOML (in preparation).

Makrina, vita by Gregory of Nyssa (BHG 1012)

  • English: W. K. Lowther Clarke, The Life of St. Macrina (London, 1916).
  • English: Kevin Corrigan, The Life of Saint Macrina (Toronto, 1987).
  • English: J. M. Petersen, Handmaids of the Lord (Kalamazoo, MI, 1996), 51–86.
  • Edition and French translation: P. Maraval, Vie de Sainte Macrine [par] Grégoire de Nysse. Introduction, texte critique, traduction, notes et index (Paris, 1971).
  • German: Warnach, in Heilige Frauen des Altertums, ed. W. Schamoni (Düsseldorf, 1963), 58–93.
  • Italian: E. Giannarelli, Gregorio di Nissa. La Vita di S. Macrina (Milan, 1988).
  • Italian: E. Marotta, Gregorio di Nissa. Vita di sancta Macrina (Rome, 1989).
  • Modern Greek: Μητερικόν, vol. 1, ed. D. G. Tsamis (Thessaloniki, 2001), 290–
  • Swedish: S. Hidal (in press).

Mamas, vita (BHG 1019)

  • Edition and German translation: A. Berger, “Die alten Viten des heiligen Mamas von Kaisareia. Mit einer Edition der Vita BHG 1019,” Analecta Bollandiana 120 (2002): 241–310.

Maria Deipara, apocalypse (BHG 1050)

  • English: J. Baun, “The Apocalypse of the Holy Theotokos Concerning the Punishments,” in Tales from Another Byzantium (Cambridge, 2007), 391–400.

Maria Deipara, invention and deposition of the robe in the Blachernai church (BHG 1058)

  • English: Av. Cameron, “The Virgin’s Robe. An Episode in the History of Early Seventh-Century Constantinople,” Byzantion 49 (1979): 42–56, esp. 48–56.

Maria Deipara, miracle in the Chalkoprateia church (BHG 1075e)

  • Edition and German translation: W. Lackner, “Ein byzantinisches Marienmirakel,” Byzantina 13, no. 2 (1985) = Dorema ston Ioanne Karagiannopoulo (Thessaloniki, 1985), 833–60.

Maria Deipara, miracle at Blachernai by Michael Psellos

**Maria Deipara, anonymous miracula of shrine of the Virgin of Pege (BHG 1072)

  • English: A.-M. Talbot, in Miracle Tales from Byzantium, ed. A.-M. Talbot and S. F. Johnson, DOML 12 (Cambridge, MA, 2012), 205–97, 429–33.

Maria Deipara, miracula of shrine of the Virgin of Pege by Nikephoros Xanthopoulos (BHG 1073)

  • Edition and English translation: A. Alexakis and A.-M. Talbot (in preparation).

**Maria of Egypt, vita (BHG 1042)

  • English: M. Kouli, in Holy Women of Byzantium, ed. A.-M. Talbot (Washington, DC, 1996), 65–93.
  • French: A. Fontrier, appendix to J. Spetsieris, Sainte Photine l'Ermite (Paris, 1992), 89–106.
  • Modern Greek: Monastery of Stavronikita, Βίος τῆς ὁσίας Μαρίας τῆς Αἰγυπτίας (Mount Athos, 1987); repr. in Μητερικόν, vol. 1, ed. D. G. Tsamis (Thessaloniki, 2001), 348–

Maria Magdalena, vita (BHG 1161x)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Une Vie grecque de Sainte Marie-Madeleine BHG 1161x,” Analecta Bollandiana 105 (1987): 5–23.

**Maria the Younger (of Bizye) (BHG 1164)

  • English: A. Laiou, in Holy Women of Byzantium, ed. A.-M. Talbot (Washington, DC, 1996), 239–89.
  • Modern Greek: Μητερικόν, vol. 5, ed. D. G. Tsamis (Thessaloniki, 1995), 330–405.

**Marinos/Maria, vita (BHG 615)

  • English: N. Constas, in Holy Women of Byzantium, ed. A.-M. Talbot (Washington, DC, 1996), 1–12.
  • French: M. Richard, “La Vie Ancienne de Sainte Marie surnommée Marinos,” in Corona Gratiarum: Miscellanea patristica, historica et liturgica Eligio Dekkers O.S.B. XII lustra complenti oblata, vol. 1 (Brugge, 1975), 95–99.
  • Italian: L. Franco, Cinque sante bizantine. Storie di cortigiane, transvestite, eremite, imperatrici (Milan, 2017), 47–53.

Mark the Fool, vita by Daniel of Sketis (BHG 2255)

  • English: D. Krueger, in Religions of Late Antiquity in Practice, ed. R. Valantasis (Princeton, NJ, 2000), 177–86.

Markellos the Akoimetos (BHG 1027z)

  • French: J.-M. Baguenard, Les Moines acémètes. Vies des saints Alexandre, Marcel et Jean Calybite (Bégrolles-en-Mauges, Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1988), 149–92.

Markianos, bishop of Syracuse (BHG 1030)

  • English: C. Stallman-Pacitti (†) (in preparation).

Markianos the Oikonomos (BHG 1032ff)

  • Critical edition and translation: R. Snee (in preparation).
  • Vita by Symeon Metaphrastes (BHG 1034b). Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Vie de saint Marcien l’économe BHG 1034b,” in Le ménologe impérial de Baltimore (Brussels, 1986), 99–124.

Markos of Arethousa, martyrdom (BHG 2248)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “La passion de s. Marc d’Aréthuse BHG 2248,” Analecta Bollandiana 103 (1985): 217–29.

Markos the Athenian (BHG 1029–1041)

  • English: S. Papaioannou, for DOML (in preparation).

Martha, vita (BHG 1174)

  • Modern Greek: Μητερικόν, vol. 5, ed. D. G. Tsamis (Thessaloniki, 1995), 86–185.

Martha, Maria, and Leukarion, martyrdom (BHG 2257)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “La Passion des saints Marthe, Marie et Leucarion,” in Saints de Byzance et du Proche-Orient (Geneva, 1986), 43–48.

Martinianos, vita (BHG 1177)

  • German: H. Lietzmann, “Der heilige Martinian,” in Byzantinische Legenden (Jena, 1911), 5362.

Matrona of Perge, vita by Symeon Metaphrastes (BHG 1222)

  • English: K. Bennasser, Gender and Sanctity in Early Byzantine Monasticism: A Study of the Phenomenon of Female Ascetics in Male Monastic Habit (University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI, 1984), 118–54.

**Matrona of Perge, vita prima (BHG 1221)

  • English: J. Featherstone, in Holy Women of Byzantium, ed. A.-M. Talbot (Washington, DC, 1996) 13–64.
  • English (partial): K. Bennasser, Gender and Sanctity in Early Byzantine Monasticism: A Study of the Phenomenon of Female Ascetics in Male Monastic Habit (University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI, 1984), 155–77.
  • Modern Greek: Μητερικόν, vol. 6, ed. D. G. Tsamis (Thessaloniki, 1996), 112–61.

Maximos Kausokalybites, vita by Makarios Makres (BHG 1237f)

  • English: S. Kapetanaki, “An Annotated Critical Edition of Makarios Makres’ Life of St. Maximos Kausokalyves, etc.” (PhD dissertation, University of London, Royal Holloway College, 2001), 258–94.

**Maximos Kausokalybites, vita by Niphon (BHG 1236z)

  • Italian: Antonio Rigo (in preparation).
  • English: R. P. H. Greenfield, in Holy Men of Mount Athos, ed. R. P. H. Greenfield and A.-M. Talbot, DOML 40 (Cambridge, MA, 2016), 370–439.

**Maximos Kausokalybites, vita by Theophanes (BHG 1237)

  • English: A.-M. Talbot and R. P. H. Greenfield, in Holy Men of Mount Athos, ed. R. P. H. Greenfield and A.-M. Talbot, DOML 40 (Cambridge, MA, 2016), 442–567.
  • Italian (partial): Antonio Rigo, in L’amore della quiete (ho tes hesychias eros), l’esicasmo bizantino tra il XIII e il XV secolo (Magnano, 1993).
  • Spanish (of Italian translation): A. Rigo, Silencio y quietud. Misticos bizantinos entre los siglos XIII y XV (Madrid, 2007), 97–113.

Maximos the Confessor (BHG 1234)

  • Edition and English translation (of the third version of this text): B. Neil and P. Allen, The Life of Maximus the Confessor: Recension 3 (Strathfield, NSW, 2003).
  • Edition and English translation (of the first version of this text), B. Neil and P. Allen (in preparation).
  • Edition and English translation (of seven documents pertaining to the life of Maximos), P. Allen and B. Neil, Maximos the Confessor and His Companions: Documents from Exile (Oxford, 2002).

Melania the Elder, vita by Palladios (Lausiac History)

  • English: J. M. Petersen, Handmaids of the Lord (Kalamazoo, MI, 1996), 299–307.

Melania the Younger, vita by Gerontios (BHG 1241)

  • English: T. C. Papaloizos, The Life of Saint Melania the Younger (University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI, 1977).
  • English: E. A. Clark, The Life of Melania the Younger (New York, 1984).
  • English: J. M. Petersen, Handmaids of the Lord (Kalamazoo, MI, 1996), 311–61.
  • # French: D. Gorce, Vie de Sainte Mélanie. Texte grec, introduction, traduction, et notes (Paris, 1962).
  • German: Das Leben der heiligen Melania von Gerontius (Munich, 1912).
  • Italian: C. Tavolieri, Vita di Melania la Giovane, monaca e pellegrina (Canterano, 2018).

Meletios, bishop of Antioch, homily by John Chrysostom (BHG 1244)

  • English: John Chrysostom, The Cult of Saints, trans. W. Mayer (New York, 2006), 39–48.

Meletios of Myoupolis, vitae by Nicholas of Methone and Theodore Prodromos (BHG 1247–1248)

  • Edition and Modern Greek translation: I. Polemis, Οἱ Βίοι τοῦ ἁγίου Μελετίου τοῦ Νέου  (Athens, 2018), 30–149 and 152–253.
  • English: Pamela Armstrong, for BBTT (in preparation).

Menas, miracula

  • Greek edition and English translation (of five miracula from a twelfth-century ms. Harvard University, Houghton Library, Ms. Typ. 2434): J. Duffy and E. Bourbouhakis, “Five Miracles of St. Menas,” in Byzantine Authors: Literary Activities and Preoccupations, ed. J. W. Nesbitt (Leiden, 2003), 65–81.
  • Italian (partial): L. Silvano and P. Varalda, “Per l’edizione dei Miracula di san Mina (BHG 1256–1269),” Philologia Antiqua 12 (2019): 61–75.
  • Edition and Italian translation: P. Varalda, “Il ricco Eutropio e i piatti. La versione greca di uno dei Miracula sancti Menae (BHG 1258),” Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata III s. 18 (2021): 207–36.

Menas, passio by Symeon Metaphrastes (BHG 1250)

  • English (online): D. Woods, online publication.

Menodora, Metrodora, and Nymphodora, martyrdom (BHG 1273)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Ménodora, Métrodora et Nymphodora,” in Hagiologie byzantine (Brussels, 1986), 87–100.

Merkourios, encomium by Nikephoros Gregoras (BHG 1277)

  • Edition and French translation: S. Binon, “Eloge de s. Mercure par Nicéphore Grégoras (BHG 1277),” in Documents grecs inédits relatives à s. Mercure de Césarée (Louvain, 1937), 41–91.

Merkourios, passio (BHG 1274)

  • English (online): D. Woods, online publication.
  • Italian: T. Orlandi, ed., Passione e miracoli di S. Mercurio, trans. S. Di Giuseppe Camaioni (Milan, 1976).

Methodios, patriarch of Constantinople (BHG 1278)

  • Edition and English translation: J. Heldt (planned).

Michael the Archangel, oratio by Psellos (BHG 1290f)

  • English: E. A. Fisher (in preparation).

Michael the Synkellos (BHG 1296)

  • English: M. Cunningham, The Life of Michael the Synkellos (Belfast, 1991).

Michaias, hypomnema (BHG 1281e)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Notice du prophète Michée BHG 1281e,” in Le ménologe impérial de Baltimore (Brussels, 1986), 69–74.

Monks martyred in Sinai and Raithou, relatio by Ammonius (BHG 1300)

  • English: D. Caner, History and Historiography from the Late Antique Sinai (Liverpool, 2010), 141–71.
  • Modern Greek: Κ. Katsanis, in Το μαρτυρολόγιο του Σινά, ed. D. Tsamis, 2nd ed. (Thessaloniki, 2003), 286–331,

Monks martyred in Sinai, narrationes de caede monachorum in Monte Sinai by Neilos of Ankyra (BHG 1301–1307)

  • Edition and German translation: M. Link, Die Erzählung des Pseudo-Neilos: ein spätantiken Märtyrroman (Munich, 2005).
  • (BHG 1307d) Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Les moines martyrs du Sinaï dans le ménologe impérial,” in Mémorial André-Jean Festugière. Antiquité païenne et chrétienne, ed. E. Lucchesi and H. D. Saffrey (Geneva, 1984), 267–73.
  • English: D. Caner, History and Historiography from the Late Antique Sinai (Liverpool, 2010), 73–135.
  • Modern Greek: Κ. Katsanis, in Το μαρτυρολόγιο του Σινά, ed. D. Tsamis, 2nd ed. (Thessaloniki, 2003), 354–431 and 454–63.

# Moses, vita by Gregory of Nyssa (ca. 335–394) (BHG 2278)

  • French: J. Daniélou, Vie de Moïse de Grégoire de Nysse (Paris, 1993).
  • Italian: M. Simonetti, La vita di Mosè (Milan, 1984).
  • Italian: C. Brigatti, La vita di Mosè (Alba, 1967).
  • Swedish: S. Hidal, Gregorios av Nyssa, Mose liv (Skellefteå, Artos, 1991).
  • German: M. Blum, Der Aufstieg des Moses (Freiburg, 1963).
  • English: A. J. Malherbe, E. Ferguson, The Life of Moses (New York, 1978; repr. San Francisco, 2006).
  • Spanish: L. F. Mateo-Seco, Sobre la vida de Moisés (Madrid, 1993).

Narrationes animae utiles: De ponderatore (BHG 1318g)

  • Edition and French translation: P. Devos, “Saints garants de la foi jurée: André, Ménas, Nicolas,” Analecta Bollandiana 104 (1986): 315–26.

Naum of Ohrid

  • German: E. Trapp, “Die Viten des hl. Naum von Ohrid,” Byzantinoslavica 35 (1974): 161–85.

**Neilos of Rossano, vita by Bartholomew (BHG 1370)

  • Edition and Italian translation: E. Follieri, Scrittori greci e latini - Mondadori (in press).
  • Edition and Italian translation: G. Giovanelli, S. Nilo di Rossano, Fondatore e patrono di Grottaferrata (Grottaferrata, 1966).
  • English: R. L. Capra, I. A. Murzaku, and D. J. Milewski, The Life of Saint Neilos of Rossano, DOML 47 (Cambridge, MA, 2018).
  • Edition and Modern Greek translation: Maxime, Ο όσιος Νείλος ο Καλαβρός. Ο βίος του οσίου Νείλου του Νέου (940–1004), 2nd ed. (Ormylia, 2002)

Neophytos, martyrdom (BHG 1326b)

  • French: F. Halkin, “Passion de s. Néophyte BHG 1326b,” in Le ménologe impérial de Baltimore (Brussels, 1986), 340–44.

Nicholas of Myra, encomium by Andreas of Crete (BHG 1362)

  • German: L. Heiser, “Die Festrede des Andreas von Kreta,” in Nikolaos von Myra. Heiliger der ungeteilten Christenheit (Trier, 1978), 80–89.
  • Modern Greek: Ch. Stergioulis, Ἅγιος Nικόλαος. Ἐγκωμιαστικοὶ Λόγοι ἐπιφανῶν βυζαντινῶν λογίων (Athens, 2017), 123–68.

Nicholas of Myra, “Praxis de stratelatis” (BHG 1350)

  • German: L. Heiser, “Die Errettung der Feldherrn: Praxis de stratelatis. Das erste und bedeutendste Zeugnis,” in Nikolaos von Myra. Heiliger der ungeteilten Christenheit (Trier, 1978), 46–55.
  • Modern Greek: Ch. Stergioulis, Ἅγιος Nικόλαος. Ἐγκωμιαστικοὶ Λόγοι ἐπιφανῶν βυζαντινῶν λογίων (Athens, 2017), 65–100.

Nicholas of Myra, encomium by Pseudo-Proclus (BHG 1364c)

  • Modern Greek: Ch. Stergioulis, Ἅγιος Nικόλαος. Ἐγκωμιαστικοὶ Λόγοι ἐπιφανῶν βυζαντινῶν λογίων (Athens, 2017), 101–22.

Nicholas of Myra, Translation of Relics by Nikephoros (BHG 1361b)

  • English: P. Gerardo Cioffari, Saint Nicholas: His Life, the Translation of His Relics and His Basilica in Bari, trans. P. L Barnes (Bari, 1994), 53–68.
  • # Italian: J. McGinley and H. Musurillo, in Bolletino di S. Nicola (Bari, Oct. 1980).

Nicholas of Myra, vita by Methodios (BHG 1352y)

  • Modern Greek: Ch. Stergioulis, Ἅγιος Nικόλαος. Ἐγκωμιαστικοὶ Λόγοι ἐπιφανῶν βυζαντινῶν λογίων (Athens, 2017), 256–98.

Nicholas of Myra, vita by Michael (BHG 1348)

  • German: L. Heiser, “Die Lebenbeschreibung des Michael: Vita per Michaelem,” in Nikolaos von Myra. Heiliger der ungeteilten Christenheit (Trier, 1978), 55–79.
  • Modern Greek: Ch. Stergioulis, Ἅγιος Nικόλαος. Ἐγκωμιαστικοὶ Λόγοι ἐπιφανῶν βυζαντινῶν λογίων (Athens, 2017), 174–243.

Nicholas of Myra, encomium (BHG 1352z)

  • Modern Greek: Ch. Stergioulis, Ἅγιος Nικόλαος. Ἐγκωμιαστικοὶ Λόγοι ἐπιφανῶν βυζαντινῶν λογίων (Athens, 2017), 312–405.

Nicholas of Myra, vita by Symeon Metaphrastes (BHG 1349)

  • Modern Greek: Ch. Stergioulis, Ἅγιος Nικόλαος. Ἐγκωμιαστικοὶ Λόγοι ἐπιφανῶν βυζαντινῶν λογίων (Athens, 2017), 424–520.

Nicholas of Myra, encomium by Neophytos the Recluse(BHG 1364)

  • Modern Greek: Ch. Stergioulis, Ἅγιος Nικόλαος. Ἐγκωμιαστικοὶ Λόγοι ἐπιφανῶν βυζαντινῶν λογίων (Athens, 2017), 542–651.

Nicholas of Sion (BHG 1347)

  • Edition and English translation: I. Ševčenko and N. P. Ševčenko, The Life of Saint Nicholas of Sion (Brookline, MA, 1984).
  • Italian: V. Ruggieri, La Vita di San Nicola di Sion (Rome, 2013).
  • Edition and German translation: H. Blum, Die Vita Nicolai Sionitae (Bonn, 1997).
  • Edition and French translation: J.-M. Olivier and B. Bavant (in preparation).

Nicholas of Vounaina, passio (BHG 2308)

  • Edition and English translation: A. Kaldellis and I. Polemis, Saints of Ninth- and Tenth-Century Greece, DOML 54 (Cambridge, MA, 2019), 2–37.

Nicholas of Vounaina, enkomion by Achaikos (BHG 2309)

  • Edition and English translation: A. Kaldellis and I. Polemis, Saints of Ninth- and Tenth-Century Greece, DOML 54 (Cambridge, MA, 2019), 40–67.

Nicholas Stoudites (BHG 1365)

  • Edition and English translation: J. Heldt (in preparation).

**Nikephoros, patriarch of Constantinople, vita by Ignatios (BHG 1335)

  • English: E. A. Fisher, in Byzantine Defenders of Images, ed. A.-M. Talbot (Washington, DC, 1998), 25–142.

Nikephoros, patriarch of Constantinople, de exilio et translatione (BHG 1336–1337)

  • Edition and English translation: J. Heldt (planned).

Niketas of Medikion, vita by Theosteriktos (BHG 1341)

  • Edition and English translation: J. O. Rosenqvist, in collaboration with D. Afinogenov (in preparation).
  • Russian: D. E. Afinogenov, Žitija vizantijskih sviatyh epohi ikonoborčestva, vol. 1 (Saint Petersburg, 2015), 255–311.

Niketas Patrikios (BHG 1342b)

  • Edition and French translation: D. Papachryssanthou, “Un confesseur du second iconoclasme: La vie du patrice Nicetas,” Travaux et mémoires3 (1968): 309–35.
  • Russian: D. E. Afinogenov, Žitie prepodobnogo otca nasego Konstantina, cto iz Iudeev. Žitie sv. ispovednika Nikity (Moscow, 2001).

Niketas, son of Maximianos (BHG 1342y–1343, 1346d–1346e)

  • English: S. Papaioannou, for DOML (in preparation).

Niphon, vita by Peter the hieromonk (BHG 1371z)

  • Partial edition and English translation: V. Marinis, “The Vision of the Last Judgment in the Vita of Saint Niphon (BHG 1371z),” DOP 71 (2017): 204–27.
  • Edition and translation of the full text: A. Berger, S. Ivanov and V. Marinis (in preparation).

Nikon ho Metanoeite (BHG 1366)

  • Edition and English translation: D. Sullivan, The Life of Saint Nikon: Text, Translation and Commentary (Brookline, MA, 1987).

**Niphon the Athonite, vita by Peter (BHG 1371)

  • Italian: Antonio Rigo (in preparation).
  • Spanish (partial): A. Rigo, in Silencio y quietud. Misticos bizantinos entre los siglos XIII y XV (Madrid, 2007), 115–17.
  • English: R. P. H. Greenfield, in Holy Men of Mount Athos, ed. R. P. H. Greenfield and A.-M. Talbot, DOML 40 (Cambridge, MA, 2016).

Olympias, vita and Sergia’s narratio de translatione (BHG 1374–1376)

  • English: E. A. Clark, Jerome, Chrysostom and Friends (New York, 1979) 127–57.
  • # French: A.-M. Malingrey, “Vie d’Olympias,” in Jean Chrysostome: Lettres à Olympias, 2nd ed. (Paris, 1968), 407–49.
  • Modern Greek: Μητερικόν, vol. 1, ed. D. G. Tsamis (Thessaloniki, 2001), 412–

Pachomios, vita prima (BHG 1396)

  • English: The Life of Pachomius (Vita Prima Graeca), trans. A. N. Athanassakis (Missoula, MT, 1975).
  • English: Pachomian Koinonia, vol. 1., The Life of Saint Pachomius and His Disciples, trans. A. Veilleux (Kalamazoo, MI, 1980), 297–423.
  • #French: A.-J. Festugière, La première vie grecque de saint Pachôme, introduction critique et traduction (Paris, 1965), 159–245.

Pachomios, vita (BHG 1401a)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Une vie inédite de saint Pachome BHG 1401a,” Analecta Bollandiana 97 (1979): 5–55, 241–87.

Pankratios of Rome, martyrdom (BHG 1409)

  • Edition and French translation: J. Declerck, “Les récensions grecques de la Passion de s. Pancrace, martyr à Rome (BHG3 1408–1409),” Analecta Bollandiana 105 (1987): 65–85.

Pankratios of Taormina, vita by Evagrius (BHG 1410)

  • Edition and English translation: C. Stallman-Pacitti, The Life of Saint Pankratios of Taormina, ed. J. B. Burke (Leiden, 2018).

Pankratios of Taormina, encomium by Gregory the Pagurite (BHG 1411)

  • English: C. Stallman-Pacitti, “The Encomium of S. Pancratius of Taormina by Gregory the Pagurite,” Byzantion 60 (1990): 334–65.

Parthenios of Lampsakos (BHG 1422)

  • English: J. Mroz (in preparation).

Paterika (“Tales of the Sinai Fathers”), by Anastasios of Sinai (CPG 7758)

  • English: D. Caner, History and Historiography from the Late-Antique Sinai (Liverpool, 2010), 172–99.
  • Edition and French translation: F. Nau, Les récits inédits du moine Anastase (Paris, 1902) [= extract from Revue de l’Institut Catholique de Paris, nos. 1–2 (1902)].
  • (BHG 1448 pb, 1448q) Edition and French translation: B. Flusin and A. Binggeli (in preparation).

Paul of Latros (BHG 1474)

  • English: M. Whittow (in preparation).
  • Modern Greek: Paul of Lavra, ὅσιος Παῦλος ἐν Λάτρῳ (Mount Athos, 1995).

Paul of Monembasia

  • French: J. Wortley, Les récits édifiants de Paul, évêque de Monembasie, et d'autres auteurs (Paris, 1987).
  • English (expanded version of French translation): J. Wortley, The Spiritually Beneficial Tales of Paul, Bishop of Monembasia (Kalamazoo, MI, 1996).
  • “De oblationibus et eleemosynis ad sublevandos mortuos utilissimis” (BHG 1449d). Edition and English translation: A. Carroll, “Paul of Monembasia, Historia animae utilis BHG 1449d, cod. Vat. Gr. 57,” in Metaphrastes, or Gained in Translation. Essays and Translations in honour of Robert H. Jordan, ed. M. Mullett (Belfast, 2004), 185–93.
  • “De latrone converso” (BHG 1450kb). Edition and English translation: J. Wortley, “De latrone converse. The tale of the converted robber (BHG 1450kb W861),” Byzantion 62 (1992): 219–43.

Paul the Confessor, vita (BHG 1472a)

  • Italian: R. Fusco (with Greek text), La Vita premetafrastica di Paolo il Confessore (BHG 1472a). Un vescovo di Costantinopoli tra storia e leggenda (Rome, 1996).

Paul the Hermit, vita (BHG 1468c)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Vie de saint Paul l’ermite BHG 1468c,” in Le ménologe impérial de Baltimore (Brussels, 1986), 46–68.

Pelagia, martyr, homily by John Chrysostom (BHG 1477)

  • English: W. Mayer, in ‘Let Us Die That We May Live’: Greek Homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria (c. AD 350–AD 450), ed. J. Leemans, W. Mayer, P. Allen, and B. Dehandschutter (London and New York, 2003), 148–61.

Pelagia, martyr (BHG 1478)

  • Italian: L. Franco, Cinque sante bizantine. Storie di cortigiane, transvestite, eremite, imperatrici (Milan, 2017), 21–36.
  • Modern Greek: Μητερικόν, 7, ed. D. G. Tsamis, (Thessaloniki, 1997), 256–57.

**Pelagia, vita by Symeon Metaphrastes (BHG 1479)

  • Edition and French translation: B. Flusin and J. Paramelle, “La Vie métaphrastique de Pélagie BHG 1479,” in Pélagie la pénitente. Métamorphoses d’une légende, vol. 2, La survie dans les littératures européennes, ed. P. Petitmengin (Paris, 1984), 15–41.
  • English: S. Papaioannou, Christian Novels from the Menologion of Symeon Metaphrastes, DOML 45 (Cambridge, MA, 2017), 61–83.

**Peter of Argos, vita by Theodore of Nicaea (BHG 1504)

  • English: W. Caraher (in preparation).
  • Edition and English translation: A. Kaldellis and I. Polemis, Saints of Ninth- and Tenth-Century Greece, DOML 54 (Cambridge, MA, 2019), 118–161.

Peter of Athos, vita by Nicholas the Athonite (BHG 1505)

  • Italian: A. Rigo, Alle origini dell’ Athos: La Vita di Pietro l’Athonita (Magnano, 1999).

Peter of Atroa (BHG 2364–2365)

  • French: V. Laurent, La vie merveilleuse de saint Pierre d’Atroa (Brussels, 1956).
  • French: V. Laurent, La vita retractata et les miracles posthumes de saint Pierre d’Atroa (Brussels, 1958).

Peter the Apostle, logos about his chains (BHG 1486a)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Les chaînes de saint Pierre BHG 1486a,” in Le ménologe impérial de Baltimore (Brussels, 1986), 197–226.

Phantinos the Elder (BHG 1508–1509)

  • Edition with Italian summary: A. Acconcia Longo, for Testi e studi bizantino-neoellenici (in preparation).

Phantinos the Younger (BHG Auct. 2366z)

  • Italian: E. Follieri, La Vita di San Fantino il Giovane (Brussels, 1993).
  • Modern Greek: Nikodeme, ὅσιος Φαντίνος ἐν Θεσσαλονίκῃ (Ormylia, 1996).

Philaretos the Merciful (BHG 1511z)

  • French: M.-H. Fourmy and M. Leroy, “La Vie de S. Philarète,” Byzantion 9 (1934): 85–170.
  • English: A. Moffatt (first draft completed).
  • Edition and English translation: L. Rydén, The Life of St. Philaretos the Merciful Written by His Grandson Niketas (Uppsala, 2002).
  • Edition and English translation: J. O. Rosenqvist, of two secondary versions (in preparation).

Philetairos and Eubiotos, martyrdom (BHG 1515a)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Passion de Philetairos et Eubiotos,” in Six inédits d’hagiologie byzantine (Brussels, 1987), 14–62.

Philogonios, bishop of Antioch, homily by John Chrysostom (BHG 1532)

  • English: W. Mayer and P. Allen, John Chrysostom (London, 2000), 184–95.

Philotheos, historia of Theodoret of Cyrrhus

  • English: R. M. Price, A History of the Monks of Syria (Kalamazoo, MI, 1985).
  • French: P. Canivet and A. Leroy-Molinghen, Théodoret de Cyr. Histoire des moines de Syrie, 2 vols. (Paris, 1977–79).

**Philotheos of Athos, anonymous vita (BHG 1534)

  • English: S. McGrath, in Holy Men of Mount Athos, ed. R. P. H. Greenfield and A.-M. Talbot, DOML 40 (Cambridge, MA, 2016), 614–39.

Phokas, martyr, homily by Asterios of Amaseia (BHG 1538)

  • English: B. Dehandschutter, in ‘Let Us Die That We May Live’: Greek Homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria (c. AD 350–AD 450), ed. J. Leemans, W. Mayer, P. Allen, and B. Dehandschutter (London and New York, 2003), 167–73.

Phokas, martyr, homily by John Chrysostom (BHG 1537)

  • English: John Chrysostom, The Cult of Saints, trans. W. Mayer (New York, 2006), 75–88.

Photeine, martyrdom (BHG 1541g)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin and A.-J. Festugière, “Passion de sainte Photine (BHG 1541g),” in Dix textes inédits tirés de ménologe impérial de Koutloumous, ed. F. Halkin (Geneva, 1984), 94–103.

Photeine, miracles (11th–12th c.?) (BHG 1541m)

  • English: A.-M. Talbot, “The Posthumous Miracles of St. Photeine,” Analecta Bollandiana 112 (1994): 85–105.

Polyeuktos, martyrdom (BHG 1568d)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Martyre de saint Polyeucte BHG 1568d,” in Le ménologe impérial de Baltimore (Brussels, 1986), 84–98.

Polykarpos of Smyrna, vita and passions (BHG 1561, 1556–1557)

  • French: P. Maraval, Vies d’Abercius, Vie de Polycarpe: Deux biographies légendaires de deux évêques du IIe siècle (Paris, 2017).

Porphyrios of Gaza (BHG 1570)

  • French: H. Grégoire and M.-A. Kugener, Marc le Diacre, Vie de Porphyre évêque de Gaza (Paris, 1930).
  • Edition and French translation: A. Lamparidi, La conversion de Gaza au christianisme: La Vie de S. Porphyre de Gaza par Marc le Diacre (BHG 1570) (Brussels, 2015).
  • English: G. F. Hill, The Life of Porphyry, Bishop of Gaza (Oxford, 1913; repr. Willits, CA, 1977).
  • English: C. Rapp, for Liverpool series (in preparation)
  • English (partial): C. Rapp, in Medieval Hagiography: An Anthology, ed. Thomas Head (New York, 2000), 53–75.
  • # German: G. Rohde, Das Leben des heiligen Porphyrios, Bischofs von Gaza, beschrieben von dem Diakon Markus (Berlin, 1927).
  • German: A. Hübner, Markus Diakonus, Vita Sancti Porphyrii / Leben des heiligen Porphyrius (Freiburg, 2013).
  • Spanish: R. Teja, Marco el Diácono: Vida de Porfirio de Gaza (Madrid, 2008).
  • Modern Greek: Monastery of Simonos Petras, Βίος αγίου Πορφυρίου, Επισκόπου Γάζης (Thessaloniki, 2003).

Proklos and Hilarios, martyrdom (BHG 2374)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Passion des saints Proclus et Hilaire BHG 2374,” in Saints de Byzance et du Proche-Orient (Geneva, 1986), 7–16.

Prokopios, martyr in Persia, homily by Hesychios of Jerusalem (BHG 1584)

  • English: P. Allen, in ‘Let Us Die That We May Live’: Greek Homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria (c. AD 350–AD 450), ed. J. Leemans, W. Mayer, P. Allen, and B. Dehandschutter (London and New York, 2003), 204–14.

Prokopios of Dekapolis (BHG 1583)

  • Russian: E. S. Ivaniuk, Žitija vizantijskih sviatyh epohi ikonoborčestva, vol. 1 (Saint Petersburg, 2015), 249–54.

Romanos, martyr, homily by John Chrysostom (BHG 1601)

  • English: John Chrysostom, The Cult of Saints, trans. W. Mayer (New York, 2006), 227–38.

Romylos, vita by Gregory (BHG 2383)

  • English: M. Bartusis, K. ben Nasser, and A. E. Laiou, “Days and Deeds of a Hesychast Saint: A Translation of the Greek Life of Saint Romylos,” Byzantine Studies/Études Byzantines 9, no. 1 (1982): 24–47.
  • Italian: Antonio Rigo (in preparation).
  • Edition and Modern Greek translation: Βίος καὶ πολιτεία καὶ μερικὴ θαυμάτων διήγησις τοῦ νεοφανοῦς ὁσίου πατρὸς ἡμῶν Ῥωμύλου (Athens, 1999).

Sabas, vita by Cyril of Scythopolis (BHG 1608)

  • English: R. M. Price, Cyril of Scythopolis: The Lives of the Monks of Palestine (Kalamazoo, MI, 1991), 93–219.
  • Italian: R. Baldelli and L. Mortari, Cirillo di Scitopoli, Storie monastiche del deserto di Gerusalemme (Abbazia di Praglia, 1990), 193–324.
  • French: A.-J. Festugière, Les moines d'Orient, vol. 3, pt. 2, Les moines de Palestine (Paris, 1962), 13–154.

Sabas, vita by Philotheos Kokkinos (BHG 1606)

  • Modern Greek: Βίος ἁγίου Σάββα τοῦ Βατοπαιδινοῦ τοῦ διὰ Χριστὸν σαλοῦ, 2nd ed. (Mount Athos, 2000).

Sabas the Goth, martyrdom (BHG 1607)

  • English: P. Heather and J. Matthews, “The Passion of St. Saba the Goth” in The Goths in the Fourth Century, ed. P. Heather (Liverpool, 1991), 109–17.
  • English and Swedish: J. Flemberg, “The Martyrdom of Saint Sabas the Goth, Translated into Swedish and English,” Tor. Tidskrift för arkeologi 24 (1992): 165–75; annotated trans. from Greek to Swedish by J. Flemberg, 165–70; trans. from Swedish to English by F. Herschend and N. Tomkinson, 170–75.

Sampson, miracula by Symeon Metaphrastes (BHG 1615)

  • French: V. Déroche, “Des Miracles pou la bonne société: La Vie de Sampson par Syméon Métaphraste,” Mélanges Jean-Claude Cheynet, Travaux et Mémoires 21 (2017): 115–22.

Sergios and Bakchos, passio (BHG 1624)

  • English: J. Boswell, “The Passion of Ss. Serge and Bacchus,” in Same-Sex Unions in Pre-Modern Europe (New York, 1994), 375–90.

Sixty Martyrs of Jerusalem (BHG 1217)

  • English: L. McMahon (in preparation).

Spyridon, bishop of Trimithous, vita (BHG 1647–1648g)

  • Russian: A. Vinogradov, Svt. Spiridon Trimifuntskij, Kipriskij Čudotvorec, Agiografičeskie istočniki IV-X stoletij (Saint Petersburg, 2008).

Stephen Sabaites (BHG 1670)

  • Italian: C. Carta, Leonzio di Damasco, Vita di s. Stefano Sabaita (725–794) (Jerusalem, 1983).
  • Edition and English translation: S. McGrath and B. Zielke (planned).

Stephen the Younger, vita by Stephen the Deacon (BHG 1666)

  • Edition and French translation: M.-F. Auzépy, La Vie d'Etienne le Jeune par Etienne le Diacre (Aldershot, 1997).
  • English: M. Herlong (completed).

# Stephen the Younger, vita by Symeon Metaphrastes (BHG 1667)

  • Edition and Italian translation: F. Iadevaia, Vita di S. Stefano Minore/Simeone Metafraste (Messina, 1984).

Symeon Metaphrastes, encomium by Psellos (BHG 1675)

Symeon Stylites the Elder, vita by Antonios (BHG 1683e)

  • French: A.-J. Festugière, “Vie et conduite du bienheureux Syméon le Stylite,” in Antioche païenne et chrétienne. Libanius, Chrysostome et les moines de Syrie (Paris, 1959), 493–506.
  • Spanish: J. Simón Palmer, La vida sobre una columna: Vida de Simeón Estilita, Vida de Daniel Estilita (Madrid, 2014), 47–66.

Symeon Stylites the Elder, vita by Symeon Metaphrastes (BHG 1686)

  • French: A. Bertrand (in preparation).

Symeon Stylites the Elder, vita by Theodoret of Cyrrhus (BHG 1678)

  • French (ch. 26): Théodoret de Cyr. Histoire des moines de Syrie, ed. P. Canivet and A. Leroy-Molinghen, vol. 2 (Paris, 1979), 158–215.
  • English: R. Doran, The Lives of Simeon Stylites (Kalamazoo, MI, 1992) (includes vitae by Theodoret and Antonius and a Syriac vita).

Symeon Stylites the Younger (BHG 1689)

  • French: La vie ancienne de s. Syméon le Jeune, ed. P. van den Ven, 2 vols. (Brussels, 1962–70).

Symeon Stylites the Younger, vita by John Petrinos (BHG 1691)

  • French: B. Caseau and C. Messis, “La Vie abrégée de Syméon Stylite le Jeune par Jean Pétrinos (BHG 1691) et le milieu de sa production,” in “Mélanges Bernard Flusin,” ed. Binggeli and V. Déroche, special issue, Travaux et Mémoires 23, no. 1 (2019): 95–120.

Stephen the First Martyr, homily by Asterios of Amaseia (BHG 1656)

  • English: B. Dehandschutter, in ‘Let Us Die That We May Live’: Greek Homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria (c. AD 350–AD 450), ed. J. Leemans, W. Mayer, P. Allen, and B. Dehandschutter (London and New York, 2003), 179–93.

Stephen the First Martyr, homily by Hesychios of Jerusalem (BHG 1657b)

  • English: P. Allen, in ‘Let Us Die That We May Live’: Greek Homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria (c. AD 350–AD 450), ed. J. Leemans, W. Mayer, P. Allen, and B. Dehandschutter (London and New York, 2003),195–204.

Symeon the Fool (or of Emesa), vita by Leontios of Neapolis (7th c.) (BHG 1677)

  • French: Léontios de Néapolis, Vie de Syméon le Fou et Vie de Jean de Chypre, ed. A.-J. Festugière and L. Rydén (Paris, 1974/77), translation at 1–222.
  • # English translation and discussion: D. Krueger, Symeon the Holy Fool: Leontius’s Life and the Late Antique City (Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1996)
  • French: J.-L. Palierne, St. Symeon le Fol en Christ (Paris, 1900)
  • Italian: P. Cesaretti, I Santi Folli di Bisanzio (Milan, 1990), 39–93; repr. in P. Cesaretti, Vite dei saloi Simeone e Andrea (Rome, 2014), 55–153.
  • Spanish: J. S. Palmer, Historias bizantinas de locura y santidad. Juan Mosco. El Prado. Leoncio de Neapolis. Vida de Simeon el Loco (Madrid, 1999), 233–96, notes at 303–5
  • Spanish: P. Cavallero, T. Fernández, and J. Lastra Sheridan, Leoncio de Neápolis, Vida de Si­meón el loco (Buenos Aires, 2009).
  • German: H. Lietzmann, “Symeon der Narr um Christi Willen,” in Byzantinische Legenden (Jena, 1911), 63–81.

**Symeon the (New) Theologian, vita by Niketas Stethatos (BHG 1692)

  • French: I. Hausherr, G. Horn, “Vie de Syméon le Nouveau Théologien,” Orientalia christiana analecta 12 (1928): 2–228.
  • English: A. Mullan, for BBTT (in preparation).Edition and Modern Greek translation: P. Koutsas, Βίος καὶ πολιτεία τοῦ ἐν ἁγίοις πατρὸς ἡμῶν Συμεὼν τοῦ νέου Θεολόγου (Nea Smyrne, 1994).
  • English: Niketas Stethatos, The Life of Saint Symeon the New Theologian, trans. R. P. H. Greenfield, DOML 20 (Cambridge, MA, 2013).

Symeon the Theodochos and Anna, hypomnema (BHG 2412)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin and A.-J. Festugière, “Eloge du vieillard Syméon (BHG 2412),” in Dix textes inédits tirés du ménologe impérial de Koutloumous, ed. F. Halkin (Geneva, 1984), 10–19.

Synkletike, vita by ps.-Athanasios (probably mid-5th c.) (BHG 1694)

  • English: E. B. Bongie, The Life of Blessed Syncletica by Pseudo-Athanasius (Toronto, 1996).
  • English: E. A. Castelli, in Ascetic Behavior in Greco-Roman Antiquity: A Sourcebook, ed. V. L. Wimbush (Minneapolis, MN, 1990), 266–311.
  • French: Vie de Sainte Synclétique, trans. Sr. Odile Bénédicte Bernard (Abbaye Notre Dame de Bellefontaine, 1972).
  • English: Tim Vivian, “Syncletica: A Sixth-Century Female Anchorite,” Vox Benedictina 10, no. 1 (1993): 9–37; repr. T. Vivian, Journeying into God: Seven Early Monastic Lives (Minneapolis, MN, 1996), 37–52.

Taisia, vita (BHG 1695)

  • Modern Greek: Μητερικόν, vol. 7, ed. D. G. Tsamis (Thessaloniki, 1997), 444–51.

Tarasios, patriarch of Constantinople, vita by Ignatios (BHG 1698)

  • Edition and English translation: S. Efthymiades, The Life of the Patriarch Tarasios by Ignatios the Deacon (BHG 1698) (Aldershot, 1998).

Tatiana, passio (BHG 1699b)

  • English: A. Alwis, Narrating Martyrdom: Rewriting Late-Antique Virgin Martyrs in Byzantium (Liverpool, 2020)

Tatiana, martyrdom (BHG 1699d)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Passion de sainte Tatiana BHG 1699d,” in Le ménologe impérial de Baltimore (Brussels, 1986), 150–56.

Theagenes, passio (BHG 2416)

  • English (online): D. Woods, online publication.

**Thekla, Life and Miracles (BHG 1717–1718)

  • French: G. Dagron, Vie et miracles de sainte Thècle (Brussels, 1978)
  • English: S. F. Johnson, in Miracle Tales from Byzantium, ed. A.-M. Talbot and S. F. Johnson, DOML 12 (Cambridge, MA, 2012), 3–201, 415–29.
  • French (extracts from vita and complete miracles): A.-J. Festugière, Saint Thècle, saints Côme et Damien, saints Cyr et Jean (extraits), Saint Georges (Paris, 1971), 33–82.
  • Spanish (life and miracles): A. Narro, Vida y milagros de santa Tecla (Madrid, 2017), 1–311.

**Theodora, empress (BHG 1731)

  • English: M. Vinson, Byzantine Defenders of Images (Washington, DC, 1998), 353–82.
  • Italian: L. Franco, Cinque sante bizantine. Storie di cortigiane, transvestite, eremite, imperatrici (Milan, 2017), 115–42.
  • Modern Greek: Μητερικόν, vol. 3, ed. D. G. Tsamis (Thessaloniki, 2002), 368–403.

Theodora of Alexandria, anonymous vita (BHG 1727)

  • English: Arietta Papaconstantinou (in preparation).
  • Modern Greek: Μητερικόν, vol. 3, ed. D. G. Tsamis (Thessaloniki, 2002), 320–53.

**Theodora of Thessalonike, vita and miracula by Gregory the Cleric (BHG 1737, 1739)

  • English: A.-M. Talbot, in Holy Women of Byzantium, ed. A.-M. Talbot (Washington, DC, 1996) 159–237.

**Theodora of Arta, vita by Job Iasites (BHG 1736)

  • English: A.-M. Talbot, in Holy Women of Byzantium (Washington, DC, 1996), 323–33.

Theodore of Edessa, vita (BHG 1744)

  • Russian: D. E. Afinogenov, Žitija vizantijskih sviatyh epohi ikonoborčestva, vol. 1 (Saint Petersburg, 2015), 665–764.

**Theodore of Kythera (BHG 2430)

  • English (vita): W. Caraher (in preparation).
  • Edition and English translation: A. Kaldellis and I. Polemis, Saints of Ninth- and Tenth-Century Greece, DOML 54 (Cambridge, MA, 2019), 258–293.

Theodore of Perge, martyrdom (BHG 1747)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Saint Théodore, martyr à Pergé en Pamphylie,” in Hagiologie byzantine (Brussels, 1986), 69–77.

**Theodore of Stoudios, vita by the monk Michael (BHG 1754)

  • French: T. Matentseva (Paris) (completed).
  • English: R. Jordan, for DOML (in preparation).

Theodore of Sykeon (BHG 1511z)

  • French: A.-J. Festugière, Vie de Théodore de Sykéon, 2 vols. (Brussels, 1970)
  • English (partial): E. Dawes and N. Baynes, Three Byzantine Saints, 2nd ed. (Crestwood, NY, 1977), 88–192.
  • Russian: D. E. Afinogenov, Žitie prepodobnogo otca nasego Feodora, arhimandrita Sikeonskogo (Moscow, 2005).

Theodore Teron, passio (metaphrastic version) (BHG 1752)

  • English: J. Haldon, in A Tale of Two Saints: The Martyrdoms and Miracles of Saints Theodore ‘the Recruit’ and ‘the General’ (Liverpool, 2016), 112–24.

Theodore Teron, homily by Gregory of Nyssa (BHG 1760)

  • English: J. Leemans, in ‘Let Us Die That We May Live’: Greek Homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria (c. AD 350–AD 450), ed. J. Leemans, W. Mayer, P. Allen, and B. Dehandschutter (London and New York, 2003), 82–91.

Theodore Teron, passio (BHG 1761)

  • English: J. Haldon, in A Tale of Two Saints: The Martyrdoms and Miracles of Saints Theodore ‘the Recruit’ and ‘the General’ (Liverpool, 2016), 83–89.

Theodore Teron, vita et miracula (BHG 1764)

  • English: J. Haldon, in A Tale of Two Saints: The Martyrdoms and Miracles of Saints Theodore ‘the Recruit’ and ‘the General’ (Liverpool, 2016), 92–111.

Theodore Teron, vita (BHG 1765)

  • English: J. Haldon, in A Tale of Two Saints: The Martyrdoms and Miracles of Saints Theodore ‘the Recruit’ and ‘the General’ (Liverpool, 2016), 90–92.

Theodore Teron, enkomion by Chrysippos of Jerusalem (BHG 1765c)

  • English: J. Haldon, in A Tale of Two Saints: The Martyrdoms and Miracles of Saints Theodore ‘the Recruit’ and ‘the General’ (Liverpool, 2016), 58–82.

Theodoretos of Antioch, martyrdom (BHG 2425)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “La passion grecque de saint Théodoret d’Antioche,” in Hagiologie byzantine (Brussels, 1986), 123–51.

Theodosia of Caesarea, martyrdom (BHG 1775b)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Théodosie de Césarée,” in Hagiologie byzantine (Brussels, 1986), 63–68.

Theodosios Koinobiarches, vita by Cyril of Scythopolis (BHG 1777)

  • English: R. M. Price, The Lives of the Monks of Palestine (Kalamazoo, MI, 1991), 262–68.
  • Italian: R. Baldelli and L. Mortari, Cirillo di Scitopoli, Storie monastiche del deserto di Gerusalemme (Abbazia di Praglia, 1990), 377–88.
  • French: A.-J. Festugière, Les moines d'Orient, vol. 3, pt. 3, Les moines de Palestine (Paris, 1962), 57–62.

Theodosios Koinobiarches, vita by Theodore of Petra (BHG 1776)

  • French: A.-J. Festugière, Les moines d'Orient, vol. 3, pt. 3, Les moines de Palestine (Paris, 1962), 103–60.

Theodotos of Kyreneia, life and martyrdom (BHG 2437)

  • French: F. Halkin, “Théodote de Cyrénie en Chypre BHG 2437,” in Le ménologe impérial de Baltimore (Brussels, 1986), 291–95.

Theognius, encomium by Paul of Elusa (BHG 1786)

  • English: T. Vivian, with W. Morison, “An Encomium on the Life of Saint Theognius,” Cistercian Studies Quarterly 30 (1995): 59–89; repr. T. Vivian, Journeying into God: Seven Early Monastic Lives (Minneapolis, MN, 1996), 45–165.

Theognius, vita by Cyril of Scythopolis (BHG 1787)

  • English, R. M. Price, The Lives of the Monks of Palestine (Kalamazoo, MI, 1991), 269–72.
  • Italian: R. Baldelli and L. Mortari, Cirillo di Scitopoli, Storie monastiche del deserto di Gerusalemme (Abbazia di Praglia, 1990), 389–93.
  • French: A.-J. Festugière, Les moines d'Orient, vol. 3, pt. 3, Les moines de Palestine (Paris, 1962), 65–67.

Theokletos of Lakedaimon, vita (BHG 2420)

  • Edition and English translation: A. Kaldellis and I. Polemis, Saints of Ninth- and Tenth-Century Greece, DOML 54 (Cambridge, MA, 2019), 164–255.

Theoktiste, mother of Theodore the Stoudite (BHG 2422)

  • Edition and English translation: S. Efthymiadis and J. M. Featherstone, “Establishing a Holy Lineage. Theodore the Stoudite’s Funerary Catechism for His Mother (BHG 2422),” in M. Grünbart, Theatron. Rhetorische Kultur in Spätantike und Mittelalter (Berlin and New York, 2007), 13–51.

**Theoktiste of Lesbos by Niketas Magistros (BHG 1723–1724)

  • English: A. C. Hero, in Holy Women of Byzantium, ed. A.-M. Talbot (Washington, DC, 1996), 95–116.
  • Italian: L. Franco, Cinque sante bizantine. Storie di cortigiane, transvestite, eremite, imperatrici (Milan, 2017), 85–104.

Theopemptos and Theonas, martyrdom (BHG 2443)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “La passion inédite des saints Théopompe et Théonas (BHG 2443),” in Hagiologie byzantine (Brussels, 1986), 101–22.

Theopemptos and Theonas, martyrdom (BHG 2444)

  • French: F. Halkin, “Passion de Théopemptos et Théonas BHG 2444,” in Le ménologe impérial de Baltimore (Brussels, 1986), 41–45.

Theophanes the Confessor, panegyric on the translation of his relics by Theodore of Stoudios (BHG 1792b)

  • French: S. Efthymiadis, “Le panégyrique de s. Théophane le Confesseur par s. Théodore Stoudite (BHG 1792b),” Analecta Bollandiana 111 (1993): 259–90.
  • Russian: D. E. Afinogenov, Feodor Studit, Prepodobnij, Tvorenija, 3 (Moscow, 2012), 908–18.
  • Russian: T. A. Senina (nun Kassia), Žitija vizantijskih sviatyh epohi ikonoborčestva, vol. 1 (Saint Petersburg, 2015), 209–26.

Theophanes the Confessor, vita by Methodios (BHG 1787z)

  • Russian: T. A. Senina (nun Kassia), Žitija vizantijskih sviatyh epohi ikonoborčestva, vol. 1 (Saint Petersburg, 2015), 146–209.

Theophano (BHG 1794)

  • Edition and English translation: P. Cesaretti (in preparation).
  • Modern Greek: Μητερικόν, vol. 4, ed. D. G. Tsamis (Thessaloniki, 1993), 266–
  • Alexakis, D. Raptis, E. Zarabela, N. Skoumbos, A. Rapti and D. Gkatzogia, “Βίος καὶ πολιτεία τῆς ἁγίας καὶ ἐνδόξου θαυματουργῆς αὐτοκράτειρας Θεοφανῶς (BHG 1794),” Vella, Epistemonike Epeterida 4 (2007): 147–227.

Theophilos, emperor, narratio de Theophili imp. absolutione (BHG 1734)

  • Edition and English translation: D. Afinogenov (in preparation).

Theophylaktos of Nikomedeia, vita (BHG 2451)

  • Russian: E. S. Ivaniuk, Žitija vizantijskih sviatyh epohi ikonoborčestva, vol. 1 (Saint Petersburg, 2015), 232–42.

Theophylaktos of Nikomedeia, vita (BHG 2452)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Saint Théophylacte de Nicomédie confesseur sous les iconoclastes,” in Hagiologie byzantine (Brussels, 1986), 17–84.

**Thomais of Lesbos, vita (BHG 2454)

  • English: P. Halsall, in Holy Women of Byzantium, ed. A.-M. Talbot (Washington, DC, 1996), 291–322.
  • Modern Greek: Μητερικόν, vol. 4, ed. D. G. Tsamis (Thessaloniki, 1993), 324–65.

Thomais of Lesbos, vita (BHG 2455)

  • Edition and French translation (partial): F. Halkin, “Sainte Thomaïs de Lesbos,” in Hagiologie byzantine (Brussels, 1986), 185–219.

Timotheos of Prusa, vita (BHG 2460)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin, “Saint Timothée de Pruse,” in Saints de Byzance et du Proche-Orient (Geneva, 1986), 93–96.

Translation of the mandylion of Edessa, by Constantine Porphyrogennetos (BHG 794)

  • Edition and French translation: B. Flusin (in preparation).

Trophimos and Eukarpion, martyrdom (BHG 2465)

  • Edition and French translation: F. Halkin and A.-J. Festugière, “Passion des ss. Trophime et Eucarpion (BHG 2465),” in Dix textes inédits tirés du ménologe impérial de Koutloumous, ed. F. Halkin (Geneva, 1984), 104–11.

Tychon of Amathous, vita (BHG 1859)

  • Modern Greek: Metropolis of Limassol, Βίος καὶ πολιτεία τοῦ ἐν Ἁγίοις Πατρὸς ἡμῶν Τύχωνος ἐπισκόπου Ἀμαθοῦντος τῆς Κύπρου, τοῦ θαυματουργοῦ, συγγραφεὶς παρὰ τοῦ ἐν Ἁγίοις Πατρὸς ἠμῶν Ἰωάννου τοῦ Ἐλεήμονος, ἀρχιεπισκόπου Ἀλεξανδρείας (Limassol, 2003).

Vitus, Modestus, and Crescenzia (BHG 1876, 1876a–c)

  • Edition and Italian translation: M. Re, La Passio dei santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia (Palermo, 2018)

Zotikos, vita (BHG 2479)

  • Edition and French translation: M. Aubineau, “Zoticos de Constantinople nourricier des pauvres et serviteur des lépreux,” Analecta Bollandiana 93 (1975): 67–108.

Zotikos, vita by Constantine Akropolites (13th c.) (BHG 2480)

  • English: T. Miller, “The Legend of Saint Zotikos according to Constantine Akropolites,” Analecta Bollandiana 112 (1994): 339–76.