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Royall Tyler to Mildred Barnes Bliss, May 8, 1929

41, Bishopsgate,
London, E.C.2.

Dearest Mildred. Just a note to greet you in Paris. I had intended to proceed from here straight to Budapest, but as you are going to be in Paris, I can’t resist the temptation of stealing three days for the purpose of seeing you. I shall be there on Thurs. Fri. & Sat., May 16–18, leaving Sat. evening for Budapest. Elisina is in Paris, please tell her what time you can reserve for me.

I shall be back in Paris about June 5 or 6, so I hope & pray you’ll get your visit to London over while I’m in Bpest, and will be in Paris again from June 6 on.

Vignier has some superb Persian or Mesopot. textiles,The Blisses acquired a Seljuk silk damask fragment (BZ.1929.101) from Vignier in June 1929. early (X–XI), a heartrending tale about which I’ll tell you: the S. Ken. thought they had secured part of them, sharing the lot with other museums, but . . . I hear Vignier’s demands are hot. Don’t fail to see the things from Afghanistan in the Guimet.The Musée Guimet (Musée national des arts asiatiques-Guimet), a museum of Asian art in Paris. HackinJoseph Hackin (1896–1941) entered the Musée Guimet as secretary to Emile Guimet in 1907 and was appointed assistant curator in 1913. As a curator in the 1920s, he was involved in the reorganization of the museum. In 1929, he was a member of the French scientific mission to Afghanistan and engaged in excavations at Bamiyan, Kakrak, and Begram. has gone back there.

Nothing exciting here, except the great bronze Keltic [sic] vases which the Louvre let slip and the B.M. are now buying.The Celtic (La Tène) bronze and coral Basse-Yutz flagons (P&EE 1929 5-11 1-2) were acquired by the British Museum in 1929 after the Museum’s publicity campaign to raise the purchase price of £5000. See also letter of August 11, 1929.

Much love & longing to see you.
R. T.

Associated People: Charles Vignier; Elisina Tyler