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A large Early Byzantine church in Qasr Ibn Wardan

Syrian Desert

The Syrian Desert is home to the ancient city of Palmyra and the earliest surviving Christian church at Dura Europos.

map of Syria with a large central region highlighted

The Syrian Desert is located in southern and eastern Syria, and extends to envelope large portions of Jordan and western Iraq. It is delimited by the Orontes valley to the west, the Euphrates river to the east, and to the south it merges into the Arabian Desert. The region receives little rainfall, on average less than 12cm a year. Nevertheless, the Syrian Desert is well-known for its ancient settlements, and though sparse, they contribute to its alternate naming as the Palmyrene Desert, after the ancient city of Palmyra. Sites of particular interest in the Syrian Desert include the aforementioned city of Palmyra and the southern hinterland of Dura Europos.