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ICFA Online Exhibits

The Holy Apostles—Visualizing a Lost Monument

Designed to accompany the 2015 Byzantine Studies symposium on the Holy Apostles, this exhibition celebrates the collaborative work intended to reconstruct the now lost church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople.

A Truthful Record: The Byzantine Institute Films

This online exhibition presents the moving images produced by the Byzantine Institute during its restoration and cleaning activities at the Red Sea Monasteries in Egypt and the Hagia Sophia and Kariye Camii in Istanbul, Turkey.

Nicholas V. Artamonoff Collection

Nicholas V. Artamonoff left behind a collection of at least 1033 photographs, dating from 1930 to 1947, providing a glimpse into the diverse urban environment of Istanbul and western Turkey,

Market Gardens (Bostans) in Istanbul

The photographs in this exhibition provide exceptional information on the market gardens of Istanbul from the 1930s and 1940s, as well as broader chronological context for the transformation of the urban space in the second half of the twentieth century.